Legal regulation of international commerce

Course: International Commerce

Structural unit: Educational and scientific institute of international relations

Legal regulation of international commerce
ВП 1.2
Module type
Вибіркова дисципліна для ОП
Educational cycle
Year of study when the component is delivered
Semester/trimester when the component is delivered
3 Semester
Number of ECTS credits allocated
Learning outcomes
Know the basic institutions, the requirements of major international treaties and conventions, the role of international organizations in the legal regulation of international commerce. Be able to use the conceptual apparatus of international commercial law. Be able to solve practical problems that arise in the field of international commercial practice. Master the skills of searching, processing and analyzing information from various sources combined with skills using the latest information and communication technologies. Master the skills to analyze international legal documents, decisions of international courts and arbitration institutions, prepare analytical materials to form a business strategy.
Form of study
Prerequisites and co-requisites
Know the basics of the general theory of state and law, features of modern legal systems, know the basics of international law. Be able to independently search for normative and literary sources, apply the main international and domestic acts of legal regulation of private law relations. Possess basic skills of legal analysis, critical thinking, elaboration of legal material with the provision of their own conclusions and suggestions.
Course content
Content module 1. General provisions of international commercial law. Concepts and sources of international trade law. General provisions on commercial contracts. International purchase and sale of goods. Content module 2. Some provisions of international trade law. International legal regulation of settlements in foreign trade. International legal regulation of cross-border traffic. Unification of e-commerce standards.
Recommended or required reading and other learning resources/tools
Довгерт А.С., Кисиль В.І. Міжнародне приватне право: підручник.— 2-ге видання. — К.:Алерта, 2014. –656 с. Рамберг, Я. Міжнародні комерційні трансакції [Текст] / [пер. з англійської ТОВ «Асоціація експортерів і імпортерів «ЗЕД»] / Ян Рамберг. — К. : ЗЕД, 2012. — 624 с. Мережко А. А. Транснациональное торговое право (lex mercatoria). – К.: Таксон, 2002. – 463 с. Тынель А., Функ Я., Хвалей В. Курс международного торгового права. — Мн.: Амалфея, 1999. - 600 с. Фолсом Р. Х., Гордон М. В., Спаногл Д. А.. Міжнародні торгові угоди Пер. Н. Зубар [та ін]. - 5. вид. - Х. : ОКО ; Будапешт : Colpi, 1997. - 398 с. Шмиттгофф Клайв М. Экспорт: право и практика международной торговли.— М., Юрид. лит. , 1993. — 512 с.
Planned learning activities and teaching methods
lecture, seminar, independent work
Assessment methods and criteria
Assessment is carried out in the form of testing knowledge, skills: in the form of writing two intermediate module tests in the form of a test task - 90 points in the general / final evaluation system; during the answer to the seminar (participation in the discussion) - 10 points in the final evaluation system; Control and evaluation of knowledge is carried out according to the modular rating system: a maximum of 100 points for the discipline.
Language of instruction


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