Current Issues of Theory and Practice of European Law
Course: International Law (ECL master)
Structural unit: Educational and scientific institute of international relations
Current Issues of Theory and Practice of European Law
ВП 1.4
Module type
Вибіркова дисципліна для ОП
Educational cycle
Year of study when the component is delivered
Semester/trimester when the component is delivered
3 Semester
Number of ECTS credits allocated
Learning outcomes
To know the basic theoretical problems of legal regulation of integration processes within the European Union; system of general principles of EU law; the specifics of the application of EU law in the legal order of the Member States; system of sources of EU law; features of the EU institutional mechanism; mechanisms for the protection of human rights and fundamental economic freedoms in the EU. Be able to apply the acquired knowledge regarding the supremacy, direct effect and direct applicability of EU legal rules; work with sources of EU law, analyse doctrinal sources related to various aspects of EU institutional and substantive law; to predict the directions of development of EU law; assess the compliance of Ukrainian legislation with the EU acquis. Develop communication skills in the process of discussing and solving practical problems related to various aspects of EU law.
Form of study
Prerequisites and co-requisites
General competence in the areas of institutional and substantive law of the European Union, public international law and modern legal systems.
Course content
Thematic plan of the discipline:
1. Correlation of EU law with international law and national law of the member states
2. The essence of the principle of direct effect of European Union law
3. Judicial protection of European Union law
4. The case law of the Court of Justice in the field of regulation of legal relations in the EU internal market. Freedom of movement of goods and freedom of movement of workers
5. The case law of the Court of Justice in the field of regulation of legal relations in the EU internal market. Freedom to provide services and freedom of establishment. Freedom of movement of capital
6. Protection of fundamental rights in the law of the European Union
7. Citizenship of the European Union
8. The essence of the principles of mutual loyalty and solidarity in European Union law
9. The area of freedom, security and justice
10. Common foreign and security policy
11. International relations law of the European Union
12. Legal regulation of the EU-Ukraine relations
Recommended or required reading and other learning resources/tools
1. Європейське право: право Європейського Союзу : підручник : у чотирьох кн. / за заг. ред. В. І. Муравйова. – К. : Ін Юре, 2015-2016.
2. Право Європейського Союзу: основи теорії : підручник / за заг. Ред. І. В. Яковюка. — Право, 2019. — 360 с.
3. Право Європейського Союзу (в питаннях і відповідях) : нав.-довідк. посіб. / за заг. ред. І. В. Яковюка. — Харків : Право, 2019. — 178 с.
4. Смирнова К.В. Правове регулювання конкуренції в Європейському Союзі: теорія і практика : монографія. – Одеса : Фенікс, 2015. – 432 с.
5. Право Європейського Союзу: підручн. / За ред. Р. А. Петрова. – 9-ге вид. – Харків: Право, 2019. – 442 с.
6. Яковюк І.В. Правові основи європейської інтеграції: загальнотеоретичний аналіз : монографія / І. В. Яковюк. – Х. : Право, 2013. – 760 с.
7. Зібрання актів європейського права. – К. : Ред.журн. «Право України», 2013. – Вип. 2 : Європейський Союз / упоряд. К. В. Смирнова ; за заг. ред. В.І.Муравйова,. – 1064 с.
Planned learning activities and teaching methods
Lectures, seminars
Assessment methods and criteria
The final course assessment is based on the aggregated evaluation of assignments performed by a student during the semester graded on the scale of 0-100.
The final grade is taken in the form of credit (the total number of grades for the course which is defined as the sum of points for systematic work during the semester).
Forms of assessment: answers (up to 20 points), written analytical assignments (up to 10 points), presentation of reports, case study (up to 30 points), final practical assignment (up to 40 points).
Language of instruction
This discipline is taught by the following teachers
The following departments are involved in teaching the above discipline