International and National Protection of Human’s Labour Rights
Course: International Law (ECL master)
Structural unit: Educational and scientific institute of international relations
International and National Protection of Human’s Labour Rights
Module type
Вибіркова дисципліна для ОП
Educational cycle
Year of study when the component is delivered
Semester/trimester when the component is delivered
3 Semester
Number of ECTS credits allocated
Learning outcomes
Know the features of international labour law as a branch of public international law, its concepts, principles, and sources
Know the concept of international labour standard and the mechanism of its drafting, adoption and further implementation
Know the control mechanism for the observance by states of the norms of international labour law
Be able to define the legal content of international labour standards and to apply it to the relevant labour relations
Be able to define and solve the problems of application of international labour provisions at both international and national levels
Be able to analyse the norms of international labour law and determine the degree of their implementation in the national legislation of states
Be able to protect the rights of workers and employers applying the rules of international labour law
Form of study
Prerequisites and co-requisites
1. Know the basics of Comparative Labour and Social Law, International Human Rights Law, Public International Law (basics of theory; branches and institutions)
2. Be able to analyse and establish the content of the rights and obligations of subjects of international law in accordance with the provisions of international treaties
3. Have basic skills of legal analysis and synthesis, critical thinking, elaboration of a large array of legal material with one’s own conclusions and suggestions
Course content
Topic 1. Concepts, principles and sources of international labour law
Topic 2. Subjects of international labour law. The structure of the International Labour Organization. Tripartism as the basis of the ILO.
Topic 3. The concept of international labour standards. Universal and regional international labour standards.
Topic 4. Control mechanisms for compliance with international labour law. Effectiveness of international labour standards.
Topic 5. Implementation of international labour law in the national legislation of states.
Topic 6. Legal regulation of the international civil service. Administrative tribunals of international organizations.
Topic 7. Problems of development of international labour law. Inclusion of "social provisions" in international treaties on economic integration.
Topic 8. Conternat of international labour standards.
Recommended or required reading and other learning resources/tools
Sеrvаіs J.-M. Іntеrnаtіоnаl Lаbоur Lаw: Іntеrnаtіоnаl Lаbоur Stаndаrds. 3rd еd. Thе Hаguе: Kluwеr Lаw Іntеrnаtіоnаl, 2011. 376 р.
2. Gött H. Labour Standards in International Economic Law. Springer, 2018. 416 p.
3. Bronstein A. International and Comparative Labour Law: Current Challenges. Macmillan International Higher Education, 2009. 320 p.
4. Swepston L. The Development in International Law of Articles 23 and 24 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights: The Labor Rights Articles. Martinus Nijhoff Publishers, 2014. 160 p.
5. Cullen H. The Role of International Law in the Elimination of Child Labor. BRILL, 2007. 303 p.
Planned learning activities and teaching methods
Lectures, seminars, individual works, module control works, credit
Assessment methods and criteria
Evaluation is carried out according to the modular rating system. Current control: oral answers (up to 21 points), module control works (up to 30 points), individual work (up to 19 points), Moot Court/Case-Study/Speech contest (up to 30 points). The final score is counted according to the results of the student's work during the semester. When receiving the total number of points from 60 and above, the student gets a credit. Students who got less than 20 points are not allowed to pass a credit. If a student has got less than 60 scores for the results of his or her work during semester, passing the credit in writing is obligatory. If a student has got 60 or more scores for the results of his or her work during the semester, but wants to get more, he or she has a right to pass a credit orally and an opportunity to get more scores. A student will be given 5 questions from the list of questions for credit to pass the credit.
Language of instruction
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