The Law of the World Trade Organization

Course: International Law (ECL master)

Structural unit: Educational and scientific institute of international relations

The Law of the World Trade Organization
Module type
Обов’язкова дисципліна для ОП
Educational cycle
Year of study when the component is delivered
Semester/trimester when the component is delivered
1 Semester
Number of ECTS credits allocated
Learning outcomes
PLO 3. Understand the international legal situation, use various sources of direct and indirect information, in particular with the help of the latest information and communication technologies, clarify the circumstances and facts, provide international legal assessment of events in the sphere of international relations. PLO 4. Demonstrate skills of communicating with representatives of professional groups in the field of international relations, as well as representatives of various legal activities at national and international levels. PLO 6. Represent Ukraine's interests in foreign countries, international organizations, at international conferences; analyze political, social, economic and other risks
Form of study
Prerequisites and co-requisites
1. Know the basics of courses International Public Law (Fundamentals of Theory), International Public Law (Main Branches and Institutes). 2. Be able to analyze and establish the content of rights and obligations of international law in accordance with the provisions of individual international treaties, apply the rules and principles of international law and decisions of relevant international bodies to address specific issues, including improving current legislation of Ukraine. 3. Possess basic skills of legal analysis and synthesis, critical thinking, elaboration of a significant array of legal material with the provision of their own conclusions and suggestions.
Course content
Thematic plan of the discipline: WTO Law functions and principles Principles of WTO law WTO law and trade in goods WTO and combating unfair trade practice WTO law and trade in services WTO law and intellectual property. Dispute settlement in the WTO
Recommended or required reading and other learning resources/tools
1. Осика Сергій Григорович, Пятницький Валерій Тезійович. Світова організація торгівлі: Підруч. / Київський національний торговельно-економічний ун- т; Центр досліджень СОТ, розвитку торгового права і практики. — 2.вид., перероб. і доп. — К. : К.І.С., 2004. — XXXV, 516с. 2. Скринька Д. В. Право Світової організації торгівлі / КНУ ім. Т. Шевченка, ІМВ — К. Вид. дім “Промені”, 2010 — 338 с. (бібліотека кафедри міжнародного права) 3. Міжнародне торговельне право: Навч. посіб. / Мальський О.М., Ягольник А.М. — К., 2005. — 595 с. 4. Скринька Д.В. Угода СОТ про спрощення процедур торгівлі та запровадження інституту уповноваженого економічного оператора в Україні. Український часопис міжнародного права, №4, 2016, с 12-16.
Planned learning activities and teaching methods
Lectures, seminars
Assessment methods and criteria
Evaluation is carried out according to the modular rating system. Current control: oral answers (up to 6 points), module tests (up to 10 points). The form of final control is an exam. The exam is conducted in writing. The maximum number of points for student's answer at the exam is 40 points.
Language of instruction


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