Religious Factor in International Relations

Course: International Relations (bachelor)

Structural unit: Educational and scientific institute of international relations

Religious Factor in International Relations
ВБ 6.09
Module type
Вибіркова дисципліна для ОП
Educational cycle
Year of study when the component is delivered
Semester/trimester when the component is delivered
8 Semester
Number of ECTS credits allocated
Learning outcomes
PLO 1. Demonstrate knowledge acquired in the learning process on the nature, evolution, state of theoretical research of international relations and world politics, as well as the nature and sources of foreign policy and the activities of other participants in international relations. PLO 2. Demonstrate knowledge of the nature and mechanisms of international communications. PLO 3. Demonstrate knowledge of the nature and nature of interactions of individual countries and regions at the global, regional and local levels. PLO 4. Understand the process of describing and assessing the international situation, using different sources of information on international and foreign policy events and processes. PLO 5. Understanding the principles of using theoretical knowledge of international relations, foreign policy, international security and conflict, international regionalism in solving practical problems. s.
Form of study
Distance form
Prerequisites and co-requisites
To know: -main theoretical approaches and the content of modern scientific views on the nature, main directions and forms of influence of religious factors on international relations. - characteristics, patterns of dynamics and the main causes and manifestations of increasing the influence of religious factors on international relations. -features of desecularization as a historical phenomenon of the return of religion in the theory and practice of international relations. -typology, goals, ideology of Islamism, general characteristics and specifics of the activities of Islamist terrorist organizations. To be able to: - to generalize and systematize the main provisions and conclusions of world scientific thought about the role of religion in international relations, to have the skills to use them. - creatively use knowledge about the influence of religious factors on world politics to analyze events on the world stage at the global, regional and national levels.
Course content
Module 1. Religious discourse in international relations. 1. Object and subject area of research. Functions of religious discourse in international relations. 2. The concept of "religious factor". Opportunities and resources for the influence of religious actors on world politics. 3. Religion and politics. Desecularization as a historical phenomenon of the return of religion in the theory and practice of international relations. 4. Global and regional religious systems. Transnationalization, deterritorialization and decentralization of religions. "Private" and "public" religions. Module 2. Political religions and their cumulative influence on world politics. 1. The phenomenon of "political religions". The influence of Judaism, Hinduism, Confucianism and Buddhism on international relations. The rise of global Catholicism. Neo-religious boom. 2. Intensification of the role of the Russian Orthodox Church in modern international relations. Geopolitical projects of the "Orthodox world" and the "Russian world". 3. Historical background and modern conditions for the revival of Islam. Islamic concept of world order. 4. Islamic fundamentalism: doctrines of world politics and attempts to implement them. Transnational terrorism under religious slogans. Islamic State.
Recommended or required reading and other learning resources/tools
1. Армстронг Карен. Поля крови. Религия и история насилия. / Карен Армстронг; Пер. С англ. – М., Альпина нон-фикшн, 2016. 2. Амрстронг Карен. Битва за Бога: История фундаментализма / Карен Армстронг; Пер. С англ. – М., Альпина нон-фикшн, 2021. 3. Андервуд Л. Корень всего зла? Терроризм: религия и политика / Пер. С англ. Х.: - изд-во “Гуманитарный центр”/ А.М.Морозова,2021. 4. Казанова Хосе. По той бік секуляризації: релігійна та секулярна динаміка нашої глобальної доби. Пер. С англ. Олексія Панича. – К76 ДУХ І ЛІТЕРА, - 2017. 5. Коппель О.А. Трансформація ролі релігійного фактору в контексті системної еволюції міжнародних відносин. SPACE. Society, Politics, Administration in Central Europe. Електронний науковий фаховий журнал. 2017. № 3. С.67-71. URL:
Planned learning activities and teaching methods
Lections, seminars, presentations.
Assessment methods and criteria
For students who have not reached the minimum level of assessment during the semester (60% of the maximum possible number of points) is the final semester test, the maximum score for which may not exceed 40% of the final grade (up to 40 points on the stem scale).
Language of instruction


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