
Course: Econophysics

Structural unit: Faculty of Radiophysics, Electronics and Computer Systems

ОК 32
Module type
Обов’язкова дисципліна для ОП
Educational cycle
Year of study when the component is delivered
Semester/trimester when the component is delivered
5 Semester
Number of ECTS credits allocated
Learning outcomes
The student must know social and psychological problems management, problems of motivation, organization and control of the activities of the organization's employees, management problems development, changes, groups; demonstrate systematic knowledge of concepts, categorical apparatus of management as a science and functional sphere of economic activity of market subjects; to be able to conduct oral and written professional communication in Ukrainian, prepare and give a self-presentation; to manage one's studies for the purpose of self-realization in the professional sphere; apply a systematic approach when studying the main theoretical provisions of the course.
Form of study
Full-time form
Prerequisites and co-requisites
Successful completion of the courses "Economic Theory", "Higher Mathematics", "Microeconomics", "Enterprise Economics". Knowledge of the theoretical foundations of macro- and microeconomics, psychology, sociology, law, economic theory, finance, enterprise economics. Ability to calculate economic indicators, process statistical data, analyze statistical information. Possession of elementary skills: mathematical modeling, forecasting, use of Microsoft Office Word, Microsoft Office Excel, Microsoft PowerPoint.
Course content
The program of the academic discipline consists of the following content modules: 1. "Theoretical foundations of management." The subject, purpose and task of management. Historical periodization of management development. A modern system of views on management. Peculiarities of managerial work. The essence of the concept of "organization". Main characteristics and classification of organizations. Components of the internal and external environment of direct and indirect influence. Characteristics of the dependence of the company's goals on the stage of the life cycle. Features of formal and informal groups. Forces of competition according to M. Porter. The essence and features of conducting PEST, SWOT, SNW-analyses, benchmarking. Organizational structure of management: essence of the concept, principles of construction, classification. Management methods. Concept and general characteristics of communications; types of communications in management. 2. "Practical principles of management." Planning as a function of management: essence, tasks of planning, principles, types of planning and their relationship. The essence of the function of organization, the main components. Centralization and decentralization when building the organizational structure of the enterprise. Definition of duties and powers. Concept and role of motivation in management. Needs and rewards, motives and incentives. Motivational climate in the team. Motivational structure of a person. Content and types of control. control process, stages of its implementation; efficiency and control technique. Organization of self-control in the organization. Management in the organization. Personal influence and power. The need for power in management. Balance of power. Forms of power and influence. Classification of the bases of power. Comparative characteristics of various methods of influence on subordinates.
Recommended or required reading and other learning resources/tools
1. Положення про організацію освітнього процесу у Київському національному університеті імені Тараса Шевченка. 2-га редакція. URL : (дата звернення 05.09.2022). 2. Кузьмін О. Є., Мельник О. Г. Основи менеджменту : підручник. К. :“Академвидав”, 2003. 416 с. 3. Білорус Т.В., Горбась І.М. Менеджмент: практикум. К.: Київський національний університет імені Тараса Шевченка, 2014. 471 с. 4. Жилінська О.І., Деркач О.Г. Менеджмент. Практикум для неекономічних спеціальностей: навчальний посібник. Київ: Прінтеко, 2021. 328 с. 5. Міждисциплінарний словник з менеджменту : навч. посіб. / за ред. Д. М. Черваньова, О. І. Жилінської. К. : Нічлава, 2011. 624 с. 6. Осовська Г.В., Осовський О.А. Менеджмент: Підручник. Видання 4-е, перероблене і доповнене. - К.: Кондор-Видавництво, 2015. - 563 с.
Planned learning activities and teaching methods
lectures, practical work, practical classes, discussion, business game, independent work
Assessment methods and criteria
Semester number of points: max. 60 points / min. 36 points; Final control work: max. 40 points / min. 24 points; Final score: max. 100 points / min. 60 points Final control is carried out in the form of a written test, which is evaluated at a maximum of 20 points and is conducted at one of the last seminar classes in the discipline. The final grade for the discipline is issued to the student based on the results of the work during the semester as the sum of points received during the academic semester, including points received for independent work and the final test. The exam is set based on the results of the student's work throughout the semester.
Language of instruction


This discipline is taught by the following teachers

Oksana Derkach
Department of Innovation and Investment Management
Faculty of Economics


The following departments are involved in teaching the above discipline

Department of Innovation and Investment Management
Faculty of Economics