Translation Editing

Course: Intercultural Germanistics (German and English)

Structural unit: Educational and Scientific Institute of Philology

Translation Editing
ВБ 2.3
Module type
Вибіркова дисципліна для ОП
Educational cycle
Year of study when the component is delivered
Semester/trimester when the component is delivered
3 Semester
Number of ECTS credits allocated
Learning outcomes
PLO 2. To demonstrate an adequate level of mastery of national and foreign languages to perform written and spoken communication, namely in the situations of professional and academic communication; to present the results of their studies in these national and foreign languages. PLO 10. To collect and systematize facts of language and literature, to interpret and translate texts of various styles and genres (depending on the chosen specialization). PLO 11. To carry out a scientific analysis of language, speech and literary material, interpret and structure it taking into account appropriate methodological principles, formulate generalizations based on independently processed data. PLO 14. To create, analyze, and edit texts of various genres and styles.
Form of study
Full-time form
Prerequisites and co-requisites
The program is designed for students who have mastered English and German languages during their bachelor's studies and have completed a course in translation theory and practice with the corresponding level of preparation. The student should be familiar with basic linguistic terms and the main principles of translation theory and practice. They should be able to apply linguistic tools in practice, translate from foreign languages into Ukrainian, possess elementary skills in selecting, analyzing, and interpreting linguistic facts, as well as engage in communication on linguistic topics.
Course content
Students are introduced to the principles of editing translated texts, related to the fundamental principles of translation theory and practice, within the context of current issues in Ukrainian language culture. They explore the history of the development of the field of editing translated texts and delve into specific linguistic issues that editors of official, scientific, literary, and journalistic styles encounter, as well as strategies for addressing them. Special attention is given to developing skills and techniques in editing translated texts of different styles and genres, including strategies for resolving interference that arises in the translation process from Russian to Ukrainian and partially from English or German to Ukrainian. The learning process includes lectures, seminars, and independent student work. The discipline concludes with an exam at the end of the semester.
Recommended or required reading and other learning resources/tools
Вихованець І.Р. Розмовляймо українською: мовознавчі етюди. К.: Пульсари, 2012. 160 с. Городенська К.Г. Українське слово у вимірах сьогодення. Вид. 2-е. К.: КММ, 2019. 208 с. Губарець В.В. Редактор і переклад. Основи видавничої роботи з відтвореними текстами: навч. посібн. Тернопіль: Навчальна книга − Богдан, 2012. 172 с. Зарицький М. Переклад: створення та редагування: посіб. К.: Парламентське вид-во, 2004. 120 с. Пономарів О. Українське слово для всіх і для кожного. К.: Либідь, 2013. 360 с. Партико З.В. Загальне редагування: нормативні основи. – 2-ге вид. Львів: Афіша, 2011. 640 с. Скорина А. Принцип «чотирьох очей» у перекладацько-редакторському опрацюванні тексту // Мовні і концептуальні картини світу. 2010. № 31. С. 153–158. Файчук Т.Г. Оcобливості редагування перекладу міжнародних договорів українською мовою // Соціальні комунікації. Поліграфія і видавнича справа. 2019. № 2. С. 141–153.
Planned learning activities and teaching methods
Educational activities throughout the semester: assignments that the student completes through independent work; participation in seminar sessions; engagement in discussions.
Assessment methods and criteria
Semester evaluation: • Maximum score throughout the semester - 60 points. • Participation in seminar sessions, completion of assignments, editing of translation text, engagement in discussions: RN 1.1-3.1: maximum 7 points for each of the 7 sessions (evaluated based on the comprehensiveness of addressing the topic and task completion). • Module examination: maximum 11 points. Final evaluation is en exam.
Language of instruction


This discipline is taught by the following teachers

Lidiia Pavlivna Hnatiuk
Department of Ukrainian Language and Applied Linguistics
Educational and Scientific Institute of Philology


The following departments are involved in teaching the above discipline

Department of Ukrainian Language and Applied Linguistics
Educational and Scientific Institute of Philology