Literary Text Stylistic Editing

Course: Literary Translation from English, Literary Editing and Translation Project Management

Structural unit: Educational and Scientific Institute of Philology

Literary Text Stylistic Editing
Module type
Вибіркова дисципліна для ОП
Educational cycle
Year of study when the component is delivered
Semester/trimester when the component is delivered
3 Semester
Number of ECTS credits allocated
Learning outcomes
PLO 11. To perform a scholarly analysis of linguistic, speech and literary material, interpret and structure it considering expedient methodological principles, formulate summarizations based on the individually processed data. PLO 14. To create, analyze, and edit texts of various genres and styles. PLO 22. To know the principles of literary editing and translation projects, and to apply them in practice. PLO 25. To know genre and stylistic and specificities of translation of poetry, prose, and drama; analyze translations and translate literary texts of poetic, prose and dramatic genres. PLO 27. To know the principles of stylistic editing of texts of various genres, and to apply them in practice.
Form of study
Full-time form
Prerequisites and co-requisites
To take this course, students have to master Ukrainian orthography, the basics of theory, history, methods and criticism of translation, literary studies and cultural studies, comparative stylistics of the English and Ukrainian languages, as well as genre and individual-author stylistics; to be able to think creatively and critically, to translate literary texts of various complexity, genres and styles content, including prose, drama, film scripts of feature films, librettos, as well as poetry in accordance with individual creative inclination, to write critical and analytical essays on published translations, make comparative analyzes of translation attempts of authorized and educational translations, write cross-referenced "internal" reviews of individual translations, have basic skills of self-editing and text design, master the technique of working with dictionaries and reference books, in particular electronic ones, conduct a relevant research.
Course content
The purpose of the course is to form a system of knowledge and skills in the field of translated literary works of various genres editing, to develop the ability to thoroughly analyze the original text and its translation to solve the complex tasks of the editor and self-editor. The discipline consists of two substantive parts and considers the theoretical and practical aspects of editing translated fiction, in particular classical and modern methods of editing, features of cooperation between translator and editor, linguistic and stylistic features of translated fiction editing, and creative problems of translated fiction editing, etc. The course focuses on group work on the analysis and editing of translated works of literature. It masters students' skills to compare translation options, cross-review creative attempts, hold creative debates about their quality, and stimulate the ability to reason and defend personal opinions and evaluations of different versions of interpretation.
Recommended or required reading and other learning resources/tools
1. Губарець В. Редактор і переклад. Основи видавничої роботи з видавничими текстами: Навчальний посібник – Тернопіль: Богдан, 2012. 176 с. 2. Завгородня Л. В. Основи літературного редагування та коректури : навч. посіб. Черкаси : Брама, 2010. 164 с. 3. Зарицький М. Переклад: створення та редагування. К. Парламентське видавництво, 2004. 120 с. 4. Партико З. В. Норми редагування перекладів / Вісник Книжкової палати. 2013. № 7. С. 9-14 5. Пономарів О. Стилістика сучасної української мови: Підручник. 3тє вид. Тернопіль: Навчальна книга, Богдан, 2000. 248 с. 6. Translation Revision and Post-editing: Industry Practices and Cognitive Processes / ed. by M. Koponen, B. Mossop, I. S. Robert, G. Scocchera. London and New York: Routledge, 2020. 294 p. 7. Mossop B. Editing and Revising for Translators. 3rd edition. Routledge, 2014. 255 p.
Planned learning activities and teaching methods
The basic educational activities and teaching methods are individual (in particular, writing of critical essays) and disputative (in groups), comparative analysis of a set of translations with proposed edits and justification of translation options, editing of other translations and self-editing, exercises on inter-style, etc.; including proper translation, various types of translation analysis (descriptive, contrastive, genre-stylistic; transformational, component, etc.), studying and mastering the best practices of translation masters, editing and criticism.
Assessment methods and criteria
The assessment criteria are the professional requirements for the translator-editor, corresponding to the probable conditions of future work in the publishing house of translated fiction or as a freelancer. The methods are written tasks for editing and self-editing (18 points), critical discussions to identify, encourage and improve professional skills and individual creative (artistic) tendencies (18 points), preparation and presentation of group projects (14 points) and creative work (10 points). The final assessment is conducted in the form of an exam. The final point is calculated following the algorithm: semester control: 60 points (60%) and the exam - 40 points (40%). Students who scored fewer points than the critical-calculated minimum - 35 points during the semester are not allowed to take the exam. If the student scored less than 24 points on the exam, the total number of points scored is indicated in the transcript and the grade "Unsatisfactory" is given.
Language of instruction
English, Ukrainian


This discipline is taught by the following teachers


The following departments are involved in teaching the above discipline