Integrated Bachelor's Qualification Work (Scientific and Creative)

Course: Literary Creativity, Ukrainian Language and Literature and English

Structural unit: Educational and Scientific Institute of Philology

Integrated Bachelor's Qualification Work (Scientific and Creative)
Module type
Кваліфікаційна робота
Educational cycle
Year of study when the component is delivered
Semester/trimester when the component is delivered
8 Semester
Number of ECTS credits allocated
Learning outcomes
PLO 1 Communicate fluently in English on professional issues with specialists and non-specialists, use English for the organization of effective intercultural communication. PLO 2 Work effectively with information: select necessary information from various sources, in particular from professional literature and electronic bases, critically analyze, interpret, organize, classify and systematize it. PLO 7 Understand the main issues of philology and approaches to their solution using appropriate methods and innovative approaches. PLO 8 Know and understand the language system, general characteristics of literature as the art of words, history of the Ukrainian language and literature, and be able to apply this knowledge in the professional activity. PLO 11, PLN 12, PLO 13, PLO 15, PLO 16, PLO 19, PLO 20 - The full list of Program learning outcomes is given in the section "Programme Profile"
Form of study
Full-time form
Prerequisites and co-requisites
Completion of the curriculum successfully at the corresponding educational level. "
Course content
The aim of the comprehensive bachelor's qualification work is to develop universal competencies in the field of professional-scientific communication, acquire the necessary skills for conducting both independent research and writing diverse literary/critical texts. The work consists of two parts: creative and scientific. The creative part involves the student's original work aimed at revealing their creative potential, the ability to create and present original works (poetry, prose, drama, literary-critical texts). The creative work correlates with the topic, purpose, and tasks of the scientific work. The scientific work is an independent research project oriented towards the analysis of contemporary literary issues, with mandatory consideration of the themes of artistic works. The performance of various types of creative and scientific activities in the process of writing the bachelor's work is structured into separate stages, which directly or indirectly contribute to the final evaluation, including: choosing a topic, consultations with the supervisor, studying scientific sources, collecting and systematizing materials, writing the research text, organizing the creative work, proper formatting of the work, peer review, pre-defense, and defense. The quality of execution, content, and defense of the bachelor's work determine the level of the graduate's preparedness for future professional, creative, and scientific activities.
Recommended or required reading and other learning resources/tools
1. Бібліографічні посилання: загальні положення та правила складання (ДСТУ 8302:2015): презентація / Наук. б-ка НаУКМА; уклад. Т.Патрушева. Київ, 2016. URL: 2. Еко Умберто. Як написати дипломну роботу: Гуманітарні науки / пер. за ред. О. Глотова. Тернопіль: Мандрівець, 2007. 224 с. 3. Ковалів Юрій. Абетка дисертанта: методологічні принципи написання дисертації. Посібник. Київ: Твім інтер,2019. 460 с. 4. Наєнко Михайло. Інтим письменницької праці. Київ: Просвіта, 2013. 460 с. 5. Положення про організацію навчального процесу у Київському національному університеті імені Тараса Шевченка https://www. knu. ua/pdfs/official/Polozhennia_pro-organizatsiyu-osvitniogo-procesu-11_04_2022.pdf/ 6. Вимоги до підготовки та написання навчально-наукових і кваліфікаційних робіт (для студентів-філологів). Методичні рекомендації / За ред.Г. Семенюка. Київ, 2020.
Planned learning activities and teaching methods
The teaching methods include independent work and consultations with the academic supervisor at various stages of the work preparation. Planned educational activities include selecting and approving the topic, studying scientific sources, collecting and cataloging materials, writing the research text, organizing the creative work, proper formatting of the work, peer review, pre-defense, and public defense. The volume of the bachelor's work is 40-45 pages of printed text (computer-generated). The text of both the scientific and creative parts should be clearly structured and comply with modern formatting requirements. The list of used sources should include no fewer than 40 items. The final version of the bachelor's work is submitted in a bound form with accompanying documents (a certificate of text uniqueness, feedback, and a review) to the secretary of the examination committee.
Assessment methods and criteria
Integrated bachelor's wualification work (scientific and creative) is assesed on a 100-point scale and includes scores for public defense (max.- 45 p.), review (max.- 45 p.), and supervisor's feedback (max.- 10 p.). Higher education candidates who have accumulated at least the min. positive score of 60 receive a positive grade, while students who fail to reach the min. positive score of 60 receive an "unsatisfactory" grade. The overall result is determined solely by the sum of the grades given by the supervisor, reviewer, and examination committee, without additional evaluation measures. The grading scale is as follows: "excellent" – 90–100; "good" – 75–89; "satisfactory" – 60–74; "unsatisfactory" – 0–59 points. According to the "Regulations on the Organization of the Educational Process...", re-examination of the same qualification work for the purpose of improving the grade is not allowed. A student who receives an unsatisfactory grade is expelled from the Universіty.
Language of instruction
Ukrainian, English


This discipline is taught by the following teachers


The following departments are involved in teaching the above discipline