Complex subject «Historical and Literature studies». Part 1. Ukrainian Folklore and World Mythology

Course: "Ukranian and English language. Translation and Editing"

Structural unit: Educational and Scientific Institute of Philology

Complex subject «Historical and Literature studies». Part 1. Ukrainian Folklore and World Mythology
ОК 27.1
Module type
Обов’язкова дисципліна для ОП
Educational cycle
Year of study when the component is delivered
Semester/trimester when the component is delivered
2 Semester
Number of ECTS credits allocated
Learning outcomes
PLO 4. Understand the fundamental principles of human, nature and society genesis. PLO 8. Know and understand the system of language, the general properties of literature as the art of word, the history of English language and literature, be able to apply this knowledge in professional activities. PLO 13. Analyse and interpret works of Ukrainian and foreign fiction and oral folk art, to determine their particularities and place in the literary process. PLO 15. Perform linguistic, literary and translation analysis of texts of different styles and genres.
Form of study
Full-time form
Prerequisites and co-requisites
1. Successful completion of courses: Ukrainian and foreign culture; Philosophy; Ethnolinguistics; 2. Knowledge of the theoretical foundations of cultural studies, literary studies, philosophy; 3. Mastering the principles of collecting, accumulating, processing and searching for information; the method of folkloristic and literary analysis of the text; elementary skills of comparative analysis of folklore samples; 4. The ability to apply the acquired knowledge for a comprehensive study of folklore and author's samples.
Course content
The purpose of the discipline is to acquaint students with the typology of worldviews of mankind, broadcast through universal mythological plots, motifs, images, symbols of various peoples of the world, including Ukrainians, to develop the skills and abilities to identify, classify and interpret the main myths and mythologems, as well as to apply the acquired knowledge in analysis of a folklore or author's work for its deep understanding. The course is aimed at familiarizing students with the theoretical aspects of studying folklore and mythology as a basic field of humanitarian knowledge.
Recommended or required reading and other learning resources/tools
1) 100 найвідоміших образів української міфології. / заг.ред. Таланчук О., Київ, 2002. 448 с. 2) Бондарук О. Міфи народів світу. Львів, 1997. 328 с. 3) Галайчук В. Українська міфологія. Харків, 2016. 288 с. 4) Дунаєвська Л. Українська народна проза (легенда, казка): еволюція епічних традицій. Київ, 2009. 304 с. 5) Лановик М., Лановик З. Українська усна народна творчість. Київ, 2006. 591 c. 6) Мишанич М., Мишанич С. Міф, міфологія, міфологізм, міфокритика, міфопоеика. Донецьк, 2002. 60 с. 7) Кемпбелл Джозеф. Тисячоликий герой. Львів, 2020. 8) Наумовська О. Інваріантна структура обрядів переходу міжсвіття у науковому осягненні Арнольда ван Ґеннепа. 9) Вісник КНУ. Літ-ство. Мов-ство. Фольклористика. Вип.31. 2022. С. 51-54. 10) Наумовська О., Грищенко І. Сучасна демонологічна билиця: образні константи та модифікації. Актуальні питання гуманітарних наук. Вип. 45. Т. 2, 2021. С. 76-82.
Planned learning activities and teaching methods
Methods: lecture, independent work. Activities: case tasks, blitz survey, presentation, control work.
Assessment methods and criteria
Form of final control intermediate control. According to the types of works, a student can score the following number of points: case tasks – from 7 to 10 points (2*10 = 20), blitz survey - from 2 to 3 points (10*3 = 30), presentation - from 8 to 15 points (2*15 = 30), control work - from 10 to 20 points (20). Final assessment: none.
Language of instruction


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