Part 3 Literature of Middle Ages and Renaissance

Course: «Modern Greek philology and translation and the English language»

Structural unit: Educational and Scientific Institute of Philology

Part 3 Literature of Middle Ages and Renaissance
Module type
Обов’язкова дисципліна для ОП
Educational cycle
Year of study when the component is delivered
Semester/trimester when the component is delivered
2 Semester
Number of ECTS credits allocated
Learning outcomes
PLO2. To work effectively with information: select the necessary information from various sources, including professional literature and electronic databases, critically analyze and interpret it, arrange, classify and systematize it. PLO8. To know and understand the language system, the general properties of literature as the art of the word, the history of Modern Greek language and literature, and be able to apply this knowledge in professional activities. PLO13. To analyze and interpret works of Ukrainian and foreign fiction and oral folk art, to determine their specifics and place in the Modern Greek literary process. PLO15. To carry out linguistic, literary, and special philological (translation) analysis of Greek and English texts of various styles and genres.
Form of study
Full-time form
Prerequisites and co-requisites
To know the main characteristics of Ancient literature, to possess basic factual knowledge of a humanitarian nature. Be able to interpret information about the phenomena of traditional culture, its artifacts; to distinguish the original and universal features of the national culture, to apply the basic concepts in the analysis of literary phenomena and processes; plan and evaluate your own work; use interactive and multimedia tools.
Course content
The course is aimed to encourage learners to build a firm foundation for study of the patterns of development and artistic features of Western European literature and culture of the Middle Ages and Renaissance. The discipline consists of two modules, within which students get acquainted with the course of the literary process of the specified periods (Module 1 is devoted to the study of the literature of the Middle Ages; the subject of Module 2 is the literature of the Renaissance). During the course, students build a system of knowledge on the history of literary development, acquire an understanding of the aesthetic principles and achievements of each of these periods, master a set of concepts related to the history of literature of these periods (movements, styles, genres, ideological and artistic concepts etc.), as well as acquire the skills of critical literary analysis and the ability to compare and interpret literary textual material using modern interpretive methodologies.
Recommended or required reading and other learning resources/tools
Давиденко Г., Акуленко В. Історія зарубіжної літератури середніх віків та доби Відродження : навч. посібник для студ. ВНЗ. Київ. 2007. Козлик І. В. Світова література Доби середньовіччя та Епохи відродження. «Картина світу». Естетика. Поетика. Івано-Франківськ, 2011. Література західноєвропейського середньовіччя/ за загальною редакцією Н.О. Висоцької. – 2-ге вид. “Історія зарубіжної літератури”. – Вінниця: Нова книга, 2005. Мегела І.П. Література європейського середньовіччя. Курс лекцій / навчальний посібник. – К.:Видавничий дім Дмитра Бураго,2016. Шалагінов Б. Зарубіжна література. Від античності до початку ХІХ сторіччя. – К., 2007
Planned learning activities and teaching methods
The course provides students with a range of assessment in different forms: seminar classes (oral personal responses, additional responses, class discussions), completing of glossaries of terms, presentations of individual projects, and module tests. The following teaching methods are suggested: lectures, seminar classes and self-study work.
Assessment methods and criteria
The ongoing control comprises students’ work at seminar classes (max 26\ min 15 points); completion of glossary of terms (max 6\ min 4 points), presentation of the individual project (max 8 \ min 5 points) and module tests (max 20 \min 12 points). Total final assessment is max 60 \ min 36 points. Final assessment form is written exam (the exam paper consists of two questions according to the subject of two content parts of the course, each question is evaluated with a maximum of 20 points) Exam mark is max 40\min 24 points. Students must meet the standard required for the lowest grade (36 points) to be permitted to take an exam. The lowest grade to be assessed at the course is to have 24 points for exam. Detailed information is provided in item 7 of WPAD, published on the official website of the Educational and Scientific Institute of Philology.
Language of instruction


This discipline is taught by the following teachers

Olha Hryhorivna Shestopal
Department of Foreign Literature
Educational and Scientific Institute of Philology


The following departments are involved in teaching the above discipline

Department of Foreign Literature
Educational and Scientific Institute of Philology