Research Internship in Swedish

Course: Germanic Philology and Translation (Swedish and English)

Structural unit: Educational and Scientific Institute of Philology

Research Internship in Swedish
Module type
Обов’язкова дисципліна для ОП
Educational cycle
Year of study when the component is delivered
Semester/trimester when the component is delivered
3 Semester
Number of ECTS credits allocated
Learning outcomes
PLO 4. To assess and analyze critically vital social, individual and professional issues and offer tactics for their resolution, in difficult and unpredictable conditions, which require the application of new approaches and forecasting. PLO 5. To find optimal ways for effective interaction in the professional community and with representatives of other professional groups at various levels. PLO 11. To carry out a scientific analysis of language, speech and literary material, interpret and structure it taking into account appropriate methodological principles, formulate generalizations based on independently processed data.
Form of study
Full-time form
Prerequisites and co-requisites
Research internship in Swedish requires prior successful mastering of the courses "Methodology and Organization of Scientific Research" and "Professional and Corporate Ethics in Higher Education", and is also based on the skills of conducting scientific research acquired during the preparation of course and qualification (bachelor's) theses, linguistic knowledge of students obtained during the study of theoretical and practical linguistic courses.
Course content
Research internship in the Swedish language lasts 6 weeks and takes place with a break from theoretical studies. Students undergo internships in institutions of higher education, scientific institutions, foreign language centers, and other institutions where scientific research is carried out. Research practice involves conducting scientific research on a topic chosen by the student. Research topics can cover various linguistic fields (phonetics, grammar, lexicology, stylistics of the Swedish language, text linguistics and discursive analysis), as well as problems of translation from Swedish into Ukrainian. The scientific research work performed during the internship can be of the following nature: - collection and processing of scientific literature on the research issue; – planning and conducting a scientific experiment; – collection of empirical linguistic material and its analysis; – preparation for the publication of a scientific article or theses; - preparation of a presentation for a speech at a scientific conference. Based on the results of research practice in the Swedish language, students prepare a report on the completion of the practice, as well as a presentation in which the results of the work performed during the practice are explained. Presentations are held and discussed at the seminar at the end of the internship. In addition, a portfolio with collected materials, the text of an article or theses, etc. can be submitted. More about this source textSource text required for additional translation information Send feedback Side panels
Recommended or required reading and other learning resources/tools
1. Основнi вимоги до пiдготовки та написання навчально-наукових i квалiфiкацiйних робiт (для студентiв-фiлологiв) : Методичнi рекомендацiї. — Київ : Київський нацiональний унiверситет iменi Тараса Шевченка; Iнститут фiлологiї, 2019. — 92 c. 2. Павличко О.О., Материнська О.В., Тимченко Є.П. Мовознавча термiнологiя для германiстiв / О.О. Павличко, О.В. Материнська, Є.П. Тимченко. — К. : Iнтерсервiс, 2020. — 286 с. 3. Forskningsprocessen — från tanke till färdig text / Suzanne Parmenius Swärd. URL: material/inriktningar/5-las-skriv/Gymnasieskola/013_lasa_skriva_vetenskaplig_text del_06/Material/Flik/Del_067_MomentA/Artiklar/M13_GY_06A_01_forskningsprocessen.docx 4. Så presenterar du din forskning — tips från en mästare [Електронний ресурс]. URL: forskning-tips-fran-en-mastare-1.863038
Planned learning activities and teaching methods
Learning activities: introductory and final seminars, consultations with the head of practice, independent work (in particular, work in the library). Teaching methods: research method (study of scientific literature, collection and analysis of linguistic material, generalization of the obtained results), preparation and discussion of a presentation based on the results of scientific research, writing a scientific article (thesis of the report); consultations, independent work of students.
Assessment methods and criteria
Presentation, review of a scientific article or theses of a report, review of the internship report and portfolio, evaluation from the internship location. Final evaluation - differentiated credit. Evaluation criteria for each form of control are given in the practice program.
Language of instruction
Ukrainian, Swedish


This discipline is taught by the following teachers

Oleksandr Serhiiovych Stasiuk
Department of Germanic Philology and Translation Studies
Educational and Scientific Institute of Philology


The following departments are involved in teaching the above discipline

Department of Germanic Philology and Translation Studies
Educational and Scientific Institute of Philology