Project management in tourism

Course: Tourism

Structural unit: heohrafichnyi fakultet

Project management in tourism
Module type
Обов’язкова дисципліна для ОП
Educational cycle
Year of study when the component is delivered
Semester/trimester when the component is delivered
1 Semester
Number of ECTS credits allocated
Learning outcomes
1.1 Know: theoretical principles of project management of a tourist enterprise; the role of projects in ensuring the development of the tourism industry and individual enterprises 1.2 functions and tasks of project managers 1.3 definitions and main elements of the project 1.8 specific types of investment projects in tourism 1.9 the process of developing the project concept and the main aspects of project integration management 1.12 basic principles of project quality management 1.14 classification of types of risks arising during the implementation of projects 2.3 to develop a project management strategy of a tourism enterprise 2.4 to evaluate the investment attractiveness of individual projects of enterprises in the field of tourism 2.6 to evaluate the investment attractiveness of tourist and recreational regions of Ukraine 2.10 to propose measures to reduce the risks of projects of tourism enterprises
Form of study
Full-time form
Prerequisites and co-requisites
1) successful mastery of courses taught at the educational and qualification level "bachelor": "Fundamentals of regional tourism development", "Monitoring of tourism development", "Tourism management", "Mathematical methods with the basics of higher mathematics and statistics". 2) mastering the skills of working with cartographic sources, computer programs Microsoft Word, Excel, PowerPoint, software for using the Internet
Course content
Methodological aspects are taught project management in tourism, in particular the role of projects in ensuring the development of tourism branches, their principles, goals, tasks and functions. Management features are analyzed projects in tourism. The methods of researching the investment attractiveness of individual are evaluated tourist and recreational regions. Tasks, principles, strategic goals are considered formation of a tourism enterprise project management strategy and main parameters evaluation of its effectiveness. The basics of time and financial management are taught ensuring the implementation of projects. Processes of project team management are considered, and as well as the basic principles and processes of project quality management. Risks are characterized, accompanying the implementation of tourism enterprise projects. The process is under consideration completion of the project.
Recommended or required reading and other learning resources/tools
1. Afanasiev M.V., Hontareva I.V. Upravlinnia proektamy: Navchalno–metodychnyi posibnyk. – Kh.: VD «INZhEK», 2007. – 272 s. 2. Boiko M. H. Tsinnisno oriientovane upravlinnia v turyzmi: monohrafiia / M. H. Boiko ; Kyiv. nats. torh.-ekon. un-t. - K. : KNTEU, 2010. - 523 s. 3. Hubskyi B.V. Investytsiini protsesy v hlobalnomu seredovyshchi - K.: Nauk. dumka, 1998. - 390 s. 4. Ekonomika turyzmu : navch. posibnyk dlia stud. vyshch. navch. zakl. / O. S. Kamushkov [ta in.]; Zaporiz. nats. tekhn. un-t. - Zaporizhzhia; D.: AktsentPP, 2012.- 192 s. Korporatyvne upravlinnia v turyzmi: navch. posibnyk dlia stud. vyshch. navch. zakl. /1. L. Sazonets, V. O. Tkach, V. M. Zaitseva, O. S. Kamushkov; Zaporiz. nats. tekhn. un-t. - Zaporizhzhia : [b. v.], 2011. - 222 s. Malska M.P. Ekonomika turyzmu: teoriia ta praktyka: pidruchnyk / M.P.Malska, M.I.Rutynskyi, S.V.Bilous, N.L.Mandiuk. – K.: «Tsentr uchbovoi literatury», 2014. – 544 s.
Planned learning activities and teaching methods
Lecture, independent work, seminar class
Assessment methods and criteria
The final assessment form is an exam. The specific weight of the learning results in the final assessment, provided that it is mastered at the appropriate level, is as follows: - semester assessment: 1. Test paper 1: RN 1.1— RN 1.6 — 20 points / 10 points. 2 Speeches at seminar classes 2: RN 1.7.— RN 1.12 —10 points / 5 points. 3. Supplements, discussions during seminar 3: RN 1.1.-1.12 — 10 points/ 5 points 4. Making a presentation: RN 2.1-3.2 — 20 points / 5 points A student is not admitted to the exam if he scored less than 25 during the semester points After the completion of consideration of the relevant topics, a test review is conducted. Students' acquisition of knowledge and skills is also assessed during seminar classes, participation in discussions and presentation.
Language of instruction


This discipline is taught by the following teachers

Nataliia Mykolaiivna Matviienko
Regional Studies and Tourism
heohrafichnyi fakultet


The following departments are involved in teaching the above discipline

Regional Studies and Tourism
heohrafichnyi fakultet