Introduction to specialty

Course: Social Work

Structural unit: Faculty of Psychology

Introduction to specialty
Module type
Обов’язкова дисципліна для ОП
Educational cycle
Year of study when the component is delivered
Semester/trimester when the component is delivered
1 Semester
Number of ECTS credits allocated
Learning outcomes
PR1. Search, analyze and synthesize information from various sources to solve professional and establish cause-and-effect relationships between social events and phenomena. PR5. Theoretically argue ways to overcome problems and difficult life circumstances, choose effective methods to solve them, predict the consequences. PR15. Make practical decisions to improve social welfare and increase social security. PR19. Identify strengths and involve personal resources of clients, resources of social groups and communities to solve their problems get out of difficult life circumstances.
Form of study
Full-time form
Prerequisites and co-requisites
to know: - the subject of study of social work as a science and the subject of social work as a profession, to understand their essence; - basic principles and patterns of social work; - code of ethics of a social worker, basic requirements for professional and spiritual qualities of a social worker; - basic methods and technologies of social work; - history of the development of social work in Ukraine and abroad. be able: - to analyze the theoretical and methodological aspects of the history of social work; - to analyze the interrelated aspects of modern social policy of the state and social work; - to identify the main categories of clients of social work; - independently define and analyze the basic concepts of social work; - to integrate the basic concepts of the discipline «Introduction to the specialty» in other disciplines of the humanities, fundamental and professional-oriented cycles.
Course content
The study of basic technologies of social work is conditioned by important processes in Ukrainian society and in the social sphere, which are closely interconnected. This means that the rapid development of society puts before the centers of social work responsible tasks. Reality gives birth to new needs new interests of members of society, particularly those in need of social assistance, social protection, and support. Knowledge of the basics of social work and the study of its practical activities can play a role in solving this problem, which can be provided by the discipline "Introduction to the specialty." The purpose of the discipline is to acquaint students with the basics of social work, understanding its place among the disciplines of the humanities and socio-economic cycle and the disciplines of the fundamental and vocational cycle in the training of social workers.
Recommended or required reading and other learning resources/tools
1. Entsyklopediia dlia fakhivtsiv sotsialnoi sfery / Za zah. red. I. D. Zvierievoi. Kyiv, Simferopol: Universum, 2012. 536 s. 2. Polivko L. Yu. Sotsialna robota yak osoblyva sfera sotsialnoi teorii ta praktyky // Rol vyshchoi osvity v sotsialno-ekonomichnomu rozvytku krainy : svitovyi ta natsionalnyi dosvid : Zbirnyk materialiv mizhnarodnoi naukovo-praktychnoi konferentsii (Odesa, 3-4 lyst. 2017 r.) / vidpovidalnyi redaktor – L. S. Smokovoi. Odesa : Odeskyi natsionalnyi universytet imeni I. I. Mechnykova, 2017. S. 36-38. 3. Psykholohiia sotsialnoi roboty : pidruchnyk / Za red. Yu. M. Shvalba. K. : «Osnova», 2014. 448 s. 4. Semyhina T. Suchasna sotsialna robota. Kyiv: Akademiia pratsi, sotsialnykh vidnosyn i turyzmu, 2020. 275 s.
Planned learning activities and teaching methods
Lectures, seminars, individual work
Assessment methods and criteria
Assessment methods: creative and reproductive tasks in individual work; seminar and practical tasks; modular test work; final assessment in the form of an exam. The form of final control is an exam. The final grade for the discipline consists of 100 points: 60 points for the module and grades for the exam (40 points). A student cannot take the final test if he scored less than 36 points during the semester. The grade for the exam cannot be less than 24 points. Organization of assessment: the order of organization of the forms of assessment provided by the working curriculum is carried out during the semester during students' creative and reproductive tasks on independent work, preparation of seminar and practical tasks, a compilation of modular tests at the end of the discipline and final exam tasks.
Language of instruction


This discipline is taught by the following teachers

Larysa Yuriivna Polivko
Department of Social Work
Faculty of Psychology


The following departments are involved in teaching the above discipline

Department of Social Work
Faculty of Psychology