Psychology of family crises and crisis counseling

Course: Psychology of childhood and family with the basics of psychotherapy

Structural unit: Faculty of Psychology

Psychology of family crises and crisis counseling
Module type
Вибіркова дисципліна для ОП
Educational cycle
Year of study when the component is delivered
Semester/trimester when the component is delivered
2 Semester
Number of ECTS credits allocated
Learning outcomes
PLO 3. To summarize empirical data and be able to formulate reasoned theoretical conclusions, make psychological predictions about the development of personality, family, educational system. PLO 6. To develop educational materials and educational programs, implement them, receive feedback, evaluate quality. PLO 7. To present in the available and reasoned form the results of research in written and spoken forms, to participate in professional discussions. PR 8. To evaluate the degree of complexity of the tasks of the activity and make decisions about seeking help or advanced training. PLO 9. To Solve ethical dilemmas based on the rule of law, ethical principles and universal human values. PLO 12. To make an analytical search in accordance with the formulated problem of scientific information and evaluate it by the criterion of adequacy.
Form of study
Full-time form
Prerequisites and co-requisites
To know the basic concepts of pedagogical, developmental and social psychology, psychological patterns of personality development, age crises of personality, directions and technologies of psychological counseling. Be able to select and correctly apply psychodiagnostic tools, to have a consultative conversation. To have the skills to study scientific psychological literature, prepare presentations, to conduct a psychodiagnostic study.
Course content
The aim of the course is to provide theoretical training for future psychologists in the field of family psychology, in particular family crises, as well as their practical preparation for crisis family counseling. The discipline allows students to get acquainted with theories, concepts and approaches, describing the patterns of family functioning and the occurrence of family crises; learn the basic concepts, stages of family development. The content of the discipline allows to practically develop psychodiagnostic methods and technologies aimed at studying the peculiarities of family functioning during periods of crisis, to acquaint students with the technologies of crisis family counseling.
Recommended or required reading and other learning resources/tools
Bondarchuk O.I. Psykholohiia simyi : kurs lektsii. Kyiv : MAUP, 2001. 96 s. Burlachuk L.F., Shebanova V.I., Yablonska T.M. Simeina psykhoterapiia i simeine konsultuvannia u reabilitatsii ditei, yaki zaznaly nasylstva. Innovatsiini tekhnolohii rozvytku psykholohichnykh resursiv osobystosti : kol. monohrafiia /vidpovid. red. N.I.Tavrovetska. Kherson : Vyd-vo FOP Vyshemyrskyi V.S., 2019. 354. S.87-110. Vaskivska S.V. Osnovy psykholohichnoho konsultuvannia : pidruchnyk. 2-he vyd. Kyiv : Nika-Tsentr, 2011. 424 s. Maksymova N.Iu. Simeine konsultuvannia : navchalnyi posibnyk. Kyiv : DP «Vyd. dim «Personal», 2011. 304 s. Olifirovich N.I., Zinkevich-Kuzemkina T.A., Velenta T.F. Psihologiya semeynyih krizisov. Sankt-Peterburg : Rech, 2006. 360 s.
Planned learning activities and teaching methods
Lectures, seminars and practical classes, independent work (essays, presentations, practical tasks), case study, spoken replies, participation in discussions, modular tests 1, 2
Assessment methods and criteria
Spoken replies (presentation in class, participation in the discussion, additional answers): PLO1.1-1.4, PLO2.1-2.4, PLO3.1, PLO4.1 – 10/6 points. Independent work (essay, presentation): PLO1.1-1.4, PLO2.1-2.3, PLO3.1, PLO4.1– 20/10 points. Modular work 1: PLO1.1-1.4, PLO2.1-2.4, PLO3.1, PLO4.1 – 15/10 points. Modular work 2: PLO1.1-1.4, PLO2.1-2.4, PLO3.1, PLO4.1 – 15/10 points. A student is admitted to the exam if during the semester he scored at least 36 points. The max. number of credits that a student can receive at the exam, 40 points on a 100-point scale. The form of the exam is written. Types of tasks – test and creative tasks; the answer to question 1 is estimated at 25%; answer to question 2 – in 25%, creative task – in 50% of the total score. The min. threshold level of the examination mark, according to which the exam is considered passed, is 24 points.
Language of instruction


This discipline is taught by the following teachers

Tetiana Mykolaivna Yablonska
Department of Developmental Psychology
Faculty of Psychology


The following departments are involved in teaching the above discipline

Department of Developmental Psychology
Faculty of Psychology