Psychology of leisure and recreation

Course: Psychology

Structural unit: Faculty of Psychology

Psychology of leisure and recreation
Module type
Вибіркова дисципліна для ОП
Educational cycle
Year of study when the component is delivered
Semester/trimester when the component is delivered
8 Semester
Number of ECTS credits allocated
Learning outcomes
PLO9. To propose one's own methods of solving psychological problems and problems in the process of professional activity, to make and argue one's own decisions regarding their solution. PLO10. Formulate an opinion logically, accessible, discuss, defend one's position, modify statements in accordance with the cultural characteristics of the interlocutor. PLO11. Compile and implement a plan of the consulting process taking into account the specifics of the request and individual characteristics of the client, ensure the effectiveness of own actions. PLO12. Compile and implement a program of psycho-prophylactic and educational activities, psychological assistance measures in the form of lectures, discussions, round tables, games, trainings, etc., in accordance with the customer's requirements. PLO15. Be responsible for professional self-improvement, training and self-development.
Form of study
Full-time form
Prerequisites and co-requisites
The student should know: psychological regularities of formation and development and self-development of personality, ethnopsychology, basics of social psychology, psychology of conflict; psychological features of effective communication and interpersonal interaction in the format of group work. The student must be able to: analyze scientific literature, independently create essays and video presentations.
Course content
The goal of the educational discipline: the students' assimilation of knowledge on the theory and practice of psychological support of licensing activities. The discipline contributes to the assimilation of knowledge and the development of skills and abilities necessary for a future psychologist to successfully conduct and plan psychological support for recreational activities. The discipline program reveals the main categories of recreational activities: children's and adolescent recreation camps, art therapy, body and dance therapy, psychological and transformational games, meditation and mindfulness. Great attention is paid to creativity in the process of leisure and recreation: creativity on the Internet, fine arts, psychology of literary creativity, social dances and choreography, culinary art in the form of business role-playing games, training exercises, projects of own commercial enterprises, creative written works and multimedia presentations.
Recommended or required reading and other learning resources/tools
Vlasova O. І. Psihologіya rozvitku socіal'nih zdіbnostej osobistostі v ontogenezі (povnij ontogenez): Naukova monografіya/Olena Іvanіvna Vlasova. Kanada. Gamіl'ton, 2016. Dokalenko A. Osoblivostі organіzacії ozdorovlennya ta vіdpochinku dіtej: zakordonnij dosvіd// Pedagogіchnі nauki: teorіya, іstorіya, іnnovacіjnі tekhnologії, 2019, № 5 (89) Zaіka І.V. Trenіng «Rol' organіzacіjnoї kul'turi zakladіv osvіti u znizhennі vplivu socіal'noї napruzhenostі na pedagogіchnih pracіvnikіv». Organіzacіjna psihologіya. Ekonomіchna psihologіya. 2018. № 3(14). C. 27–41. Kononchuk D. І. Formuvannya timchasovogo kolektivu v ozdorovchomu taborі yak socіal'na neobhіdnіst' vihovnoї roboti z dіt'mi.// NAUKOVІ ZAPISKI NDU іm. M. GOGOLYA Psihologo-pedagogіchnі nauki. – 2017. – № 3 Levchuk YA. M. Socіal'nij vimіr muzichnih subkul'tur// Nova pedagogіchna dumka. 2017. № 4 (92)
Planned learning activities and teaching methods
Lecture, seminar class, practical class, independent work
Assessment methods and criteria
1. Oral answers (speech at the seminar, participation in discussions and debates, additions) - 24/14 points 2. Analytical report - 24/14 points 3. Creative independent work - 32/20 points 4. Final test - 20/12 points The credit is given based on the results of the student's work during the semester (the maximum number of points for work during the semester is equal to 100) and does not include additional evaluation measures for successful students. Students who, during the semester, scored a total of less points than the critical calculation minimum - 40 points are not allowed to pass the test. In the case of a student's absence due to valid reasons, practice and resubmission of the final test are carried out in accordance with the "Regulations on the procedure for evaluating students' knowledge under the credit-module system of organization of the educational process" dated October 1, 2010. The recommended minimum for admission to the credit is 40 points.
Language of instruction


This discipline is taught by the following teachers

Kateryna Leonidivna Milyutina
Department of Developmental Psychology
Faculty of Psychology


The following departments are involved in teaching the above discipline

Department of Developmental Psychology
Faculty of Psychology