International air law

Course: International Law (ECL Bachelor, language of program - ukrainian)

Structural unit: Educational and scientific institute of international relations

International air law
Module type
Вибіркова дисципліна для ОП
Educational cycle
Year of study when the component is delivered
Semester/trimester when the component is delivered
7 Semester
Number of ECTS credits allocated
Learning outcomes
Know and master the theoretical knowledge of: history, sources, principles, subjects of international air law, as well as features of international responsibility and implementation of international law in the field of international air law; international legal aspects of regulation of international air transportation; universal and regional mechanisms of legal regulation of cooperation of states in the field of international air law. Be able to: to find out the main trends and patterns of development of international air law; to prepare certificates and recommendations on issues of international air law for the state authorities of Ukraine; use the acquired knowledge in professional legal activities; work with professional analytical literature on international air law; analyze the texts of international treaties, acts of the European Union, acts of national legislation of Ukraine and decisions of international judicial institutions on air transport.
Form of study
Prerequisites and co-requisites
1. Know the basics of the theory of international law, international economic law, international transport law. 2. Be able to use legal concepts and categories used in international law, logically and professionally justify and express their views on international law. 3. Possess basic skills of legal analysis and synthesis, critical thinking, elaboration of a significant array of legal material with the provision of their own conclusions and suggestions.
Course content
Content module 1. 1. The system of international air law 2. International aviation organizations 3. Legal status and airspace regime 4. Legal status of the aircraft and its crew 5. Legal regulation of international air transportation Content module 2. 6. Legal standards of international airports 7. Conventional models of liability of air carriers and operators 8. Institute of Civil Aviation Security 9. Promising models of international legal regulation in the field of civil aviation
Recommended or required reading and other learning resources/tools
1. Міжнародне публічне право: Підручник. У 2-х т. (В.В. Мицик, М.В. Буроменський, М.М. Гнатовський та ін.) За ред. В.В.Мицика. – 2-ге вид., змін. – Харків: Право, 2020. Т. 1 – 416 с. Т. 2 - 623 с. 2. Григоров О.М. Міжнародно-правові засади регулювання відносин у сфері цивільної авіації: становлення та розвиток: монографія / О.М. Григоров. – Одеса: Фенікс, 2020. – 440 с. 3. Григоров О.М. Регулювання правовідносин у галузі авіаційного транспорту в Європейському Союзі та в Україні. Правове регулювання сфери транспорту в Європейському Союзі та в Україні. У 2-х томах: Том 1. Київ: ТОВ «Ніка-Прінт», 2006. 392 с. С. 242-343. 4. Мильде М. Международное воздушное право и ИКАО. СПб, 2017. 5. Международное воздушное право. Учебник. Под ред. А.Н. Травникова, А.Х. Абашидзе. – М.: Юрайт, 2018. 444 с.
Planned learning activities and teaching methods
Lectures, seminars
Assessment methods and criteria
Semester assessment is carried out in the form of testing knowledge, skills: 1. during the answer to the seminar (participation in the discussion) - 15% in the general / final evaluation system; 2. in the form of writing individual analytical works - 10% in the general / final evaluation system; 3. in the form of drawing up practical procedural documents - 10% in the general / final evaluation system; 4. in the form of presentation of the individual topic of the report - 5% in the general / final evaluation system; 5. in the form of solving practical problems (legal cases) - 10% in the general / final evaluation system; 6. in the form of writing two intermediate tests in the form of test tasks - 10% in the general / final evaluation system.
Language of instruction


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