Ukrainian language

Course: European Business Law

Structural unit: Educational and scientific institute of international relations

Ukrainian language
ОК 4
Module type
Обов’язкова дисципліна для ОП
Educational cycle
Year of study when the component is delivered
Semester/trimester when the component is delivered
2 Semester
Number of ECTS credits allocated
Learning outcomes
PLO 9. To determine the content and legal nature of national regulations, international treaties and agreements, to identify conflicts between the norms of international treaties, EU law and national legislation, as well as to propose specific ways to resolve them. PLO 14. Demonstrate skills and abilities of written and oral communication in foreign languages, professionally use legal terminology
Form of study
Full-time form
Prerequisites and co-requisites
For the second semester − successful mastering of the discipline program "Ukrainian language" of the first semester
Course content
1. Words that describe the appearance and character of man, describe the subject, the names of family members, the names of the days of the week. 2. Words that name household items, names of parts of the city, names of domestic animals. Past tense verbs. 3. Statements and questions about place of residence, stay, location. Locative case of nouns. 4. Question What time is it?/At what time? and the answer to them. Ordinal numbers. 5. Questions and statements about plans for the future. The future tense of verbs of the imperfect form
Recommended or required reading and other learning resources/tools
1. Бурак М. «Яблуко»: підручник з української мови як іноземної (базовий рівень). Вид. 2-ге, випр. Львів : Видавництво УКУ, 2017. 268 с. 2. Дерба С. М. Знайомство з Україною (навчальний посібник з української мови для іноземних студентів). 2-ге вид., випр. і доп. К. : Фенікс, 2013. 98 с. 3. Дерба С. М., Любчевська-Сокур В. О. Українська мова : навч. посібник для іноземців. Вид. 2-ге, випр. і допов. Київ : Фенікс, 2020. 180 с. 4. Мазурик Д. Українська мова для іноземців. Крок за кроком. Харків : Фоліо, 2017. 288 с. 5. Максименко А. В. Ігрові завдання у курсі української мови як іноземної : навчально-методичний посібник. Київ : Фенікс, 2020. 72 с. 6. Практична граматика української мови для іноземців : навч. посібник / Ніколаєва Н. С. та ін. Київ : Четверта хвиля, 2020. 216 с. 7. Шевченко М. Будьмо разом (А1): Українська мова для іноземців: навч. посіб. К. : Четверта хвиля, 2017. 164 с. 8. Ukrainian Lessons.
Planned learning activities and teaching methods
Practical classes, independent work.
Assessment methods and criteria
Evaluation is carried out according to the modular rating system. Current control: modular tests with a maximum score of 10 points for each (minimum threshold level − 6 points); oral answers in practical classes during the semester − a maximum of 5 points in total (minimum 3 points); written homework during the semester − a maximum of 5 points in total (minimum 3 points). The form of final control is a credit, which is based on the results of the student's work throughout the semester and does not provide additional assessment activities for successful students
Language of instruction


This discipline is taught by the following teachers

Hanna Oleksandrivna Zvonko
Department of Ukrainian Philology for Foreigners
Educational and Scientific Institute of Philology


The following departments are involved in teaching the above discipline

Department of Ukrainian Philology for Foreigners
Educational and Scientific Institute of Philology