Analysis of state policy

Course: Political science

Structural unit: Faculty of Philosophy

Analysis of state policy
ОК 12
Module type
Обов’язкова дисципліна для ОП
Educational cycle
Year of study when the component is delivered
Semester/trimester when the component is delivered
1 Semester
Number of ECTS credits allocated
Learning outcomes
6. Critically consider the principles of the exercise of power and public policy, political institutions and processes, world politics and the politics of individual countries and regions. 7. Manage complex activities in the field of politics, political science and in wider contexts, develop plans and measures for their implementation, ensure the quality of education, evaluate the effectiveness and efficiency of activities. 9. Design, plan and perform scientific research using qualitative and quantitative methods and specialized tools of political science, including formulating and testing hypotheses, interpreting data, justifying conclusions.
Form of study
Distance form
Prerequisites and co-requisites
1. Before starting this course, students should know the main stages and characteristics of the political process; basic political theories and methods of political research, including methods of philosophy, sociology, economics, state theory and law; basic political science concepts and categories; foundations of economic theory; basics of political analysis and forecasting. 2. To be able to collect and interpret information about political phenomena and phenomena, political processes and events; apply the main terms, categories and classifications of political science in the analysis of social phenomena and processes; identify modern trends in the development of the political process in the conditions of globalization and the development of the information society, forecast the prospects of their development, taking into account the peculiarities of the political system of Ukraine.
Course content
The discipline "Analysis of State Policy" belongs to the list of mandatory disciplines and is taught in the first semester of the master's degree. The academic discipline introduces students to the basics of public policy analysis, which is a new interdisciplinary field of public policy research in various spheres of public life. The concept, functions, types and levels of state policy analysis are defined, as well as the essence, types and models of state policy. Attention is paid to state target programs, their classification, development process and management. The content and structure of the state policy environment is clarified, the role and place of state authorities, political parties, interest groups, mass media and public opinion in the process of formation and implementation of state policy is considered. Attention is paid to market failures (defects) as grounds for state intervention and universal options of state policy as means of correcting market regulation defects. Defects of state regulation are considered consistently. The essence of strategy and strategic planning and the regulatory and legal support of strategic planning in Ukraine are determined, the technology of strategic planning is clarified. Methods of development and implementation of state policy are considered. The technology of formation of state policy is explained, as well as the ways and mechanisms of implementation of state policy. Attention is paid to the documentation of state policy analysis.
Recommended or required reading and other learning resources/tools
1. Analiz derzhavnoi polityky v Ukraini: navchalna dystsyplina, sfera profesiinoi diialnosti, haluz prykladnykh doslidzhen: zbirka dokumentiv i materialiv / [uklad. O. I. Kliievych, V. V. Tertychka]. K. : K.I.S., 2004. 210 s. 2. Berdanova O., Vakulenko V. Stratehichne planuvannia mistsevoho rozvytku. Praktychnyi posibnyk; Shveitsarsko-ukrainskyi proekt «Pidtrymka detsentralizatsii v Ukraini – DESPRO. K.: TOV «SOfyia-A». 2012. 88 s. 3. Braison Dzh. Stratehichne planuvannia dlia derzhavnykh ta neprybutkovykh orhanizatsii / [per. z anhl. A.Kam`ianets]. L.: Litopys, 2004. 352 s 4. Vais K. H. Otsiniuvannia: metody doslidzhennia prohram ta polityky. Per. R. Tkachuk, M. Korchynskoi. K. : Vyd-vo Solomii Pavlychko «Osnovy», 2000. 672 s. 5. Vedunh E. Otsiniuvannia derzhavnoi polityky i prohram. Per. V. Shulhy. K. : Vseuvyto, 2003. 350 s.
Planned learning activities and teaching methods
Lectures, seminars
Assessment methods and criteria
Assessment of semester work: 1. Oral presentation, additions and participation in discussions at seminars: 26-35 points; 2. Independent work (essay): 5-15 points. 3. Test work: 5-10 points 4. Written exam - 24/40 points
Language of instruction


This discipline is taught by the following teachers


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