Scientific seminar: Organization of research on specialists training (humanities)

Course: Pedagogy of Higher Education

Structural unit: Faculty of Psychology

Scientific seminar: Organization of research on specialists training (humanities)
Module type
Вибіркова дисципліна для ОП
Educational cycle
Year of study when the component is delivered
Semester/trimester when the component is delivered
3 Semester
Number of ECTS credits allocated
Learning outcomes
PH1. To know at the level of the latest achievements the concept of development of education and pedagogy, the methodology of relevant research. PH2. To use modern digital technologies and resources in professional, innovative and research activities. PH3. To form pedagogically expedient partnership interpersonal interaction, to carry out business communication, to clearly and unambiguously convey one's own opinions, conclusions and arguments on education and pedagogy to specialists and the general public, to conduct problem-thematic discussion. PH6. Develop and implement innovative and research projects in the field of education / pedagogy and interdisciplinary level in compliance with legal, social, economic and ethical norms. PH11. Carry out consulting activities in the field of educational and pedagogical sciences.
Form of study
Full-time form
Prerequisites and co-requisites
Successful acquirement of courses in didactics of higher education, pedagogy, theory of education in higher education Knowledge of the theoretical foundations of the professional and pedagogical competence of a lecturer of higher education, the methodology of scientific and pedagogical research
Course content
The purpose of the discipline is to form students' systemic understanding of the basic principles, categories, methods of scientific and pedagogical research in the field of pedagogical sciences, practical opportunities in the knowledge and forecasting of pedagogical processes, the ability to apply the acquired knowledge in practical professional activities. Annotation of the academic discipline - is a selective discipline for the training of specialists of the "master" level, its assimilation is necessary for equipping students with knowledge about the main categories of science, methods of experimental research; to get acquainted with the main directions of scientific research in the field of pedagogy of higher education, the formation of skills to use modern methods and means of scientific information retrieval, organization and conduct of empirical concrete pedagogical research, their analysis and use of the results obtained.
Recommended or required reading and other learning resources/tools
Golovko N.І. Metodika ta organіzacіya naukovih doslіdzhen' studentіv u zakladah vishchoї osvіti. Navchal'no-metodichnij posіbnik. Kiїv: CP «Komprint», 2020. s. 175 Dichkіvs'ka І.M. Rozvitok іnnovacіjnoї povedіnki pedagoga //Onovlennya zmіstu, form ta metodіv navchannya і vihovannya v zakladah osvіti: Zbіrnik naukovih prac'. Naukovі zapiski Rіvnens'kogo derzhavnogo gumanіtarnogo unіversitetu. Vipusk 19. - Rіvne: RDGU, 2002. - S10-14. Marushkevich A.A.,Spіcin Є.S. Pedagogіka vishchoї shkoli : pіdruchnik : 2-ge vid., pererobl. і dopovn. – K. : VPC "Kiїvs'kij unіversitet", 2021. – 576 s. Plahotnіk O.V. Tekhnologії socіal'no-pedagogіchnih doslіdzhen'.- Navchal'no-metodichnij posіbnik.- K.: Іnfodruk, 2014. – 267 s..
Planned learning activities and teaching methods
Activities: verbal presentations, participation in the discussion, presentation of the implementation of independent tasks, analysis, implementation of practical tasks. Methods: practical, seminar, preparation of available materials, speeches, presentations, preparation of reports, discussion of working situations, discussion of solutions for practical situations.
Assessment methods and criteria
Assessment of students is carried out during all types of training sessions and based on the results of independent work. In the classroom, the following are evaluated: oral response, presentation, implementation of practical tasks, solving problem situations. The maximum number of points for work during the semester is 100. The final score is set based on the results of the student's work during the semester.
Language of instruction


This discipline is taught by the following teachers


The following departments are involved in teaching the above discipline