Pedagogical skills of the higher education teacher and methods of organizing upbringing work

Course: Pedagogy of Higher Education

Structural unit: Faculty of Psychology

Pedagogical skills of the higher education teacher and methods of organizing upbringing work
Module type
Обов’язкова дисципліна для ОП
Educational cycle
Year of study when the component is delivered
Semester/trimester when the component is delivered
2 Semester
Number of ECTS credits allocated
Learning outcomes
LO 3. Form pedagogically expedient partnership interpersonal interaction, carry out business communication, clearly and unambiguously convey one's own opinions, conclusions and arguments on education and pedagogy to specialists and the general public, conduct problem-thematic discussion. LO 7. Create an open educational and scientific environment, favorable for students and aimed at ensuring learning outcomes. LO 10. Make effective, responsible management decisions in education / pedagogy, particularly in new or unfamiliar environments, with many criteria and incomplete or limited information.
Form of study
Full-time form
Prerequisites and co-requisites
1) successful mastering of the content of courses OK.02 "Professional and corporate ethics", OK.04 "Pedagogy", OK.05 "Pedagogical and professional psychology", OK.14 "Didactics of higher education"; 2) knowledge of the theoretical foundations of the structure of the psyche, factors and basic mechanisms of personality formation; 3) understanding the criteria for the effectiveness of pedagogical activities, the essence of the main regulators of activities and behavior in the group and the possibilities of their use in working with the academic group and individual students.
Course content
Mastering knowledge of the organization of upbringing in higher education, forming understanding of the content of pedagogical activities, criteria for its effectiveness, acquiring knowledge of the organization of upbringing in higher education, forming competencies for the qualification of "teacher", developing pedagogical thinking and promoting professional self-determination. The principles of organization of influence on the personality in the process of upbringing, education and training are revealed. There is training in the analysis of pedagogical reality, conscious mastery of professional and pedagogical competencies. The content includes the scientific basis of the upbringing process, the formation of pedagogical skills, implemented through an understanding of the systematic approach to the organization of the educational process, the role of its participants, the need to master the methodology, techniques, forms, technologies of its organization.
Recommended or required reading and other learning resources/tools
1. Anotovanyi bibliohrafichnyi pokazhchyk prats naukovo-pedahohichnykh pratsivnykiv kafedry pedahohiky Kyivskoho natsionalnoho universytetu imeni Tarasa Shevchenka (2013-2020 roky) / Ukl. A. A. Marushkevych, N. I. Holovko, S. P. Balashova. Kyiv: TsP «Komprynt», 2020. 63 s. 2. Vymohy do osobystosti vykladacha vyshchoi shkoly. URL: (data zvernennia: 05.01.2021) 3. Koshechko N. V. Metodyka vykladannia u vyshchii shkoli: Navch. posibnyk. Nizhyn: NDU im. M. Hoholia, 2013. 115 s. 4. Marushkevych A. A., Spitsyn Ye. S. Pedahohika vyshchoi shkoly. Pidruchnyk. K.: VPTs «Kyivskyi universytet», 2014. 274 s. 5. Profesiino-pedahohichna kompetentnist naukovo-pedahohichnoho pratsivnyka: navchalnyi posibnyk /A. A. Marushkevych, N. M. Kuzmenko, O. V. Plakhotnik, Ye. S. Spitsyn, M. V. Zhylenko/ za zah. red. dokt. ped. nauk, prof. A. A. Marushkevych. Kyiv: VPTs «Kyivskyi universytet», 2017. 112 s.
Planned learning activities and teaching methods
Activities: oral presentations, participation in the discussion, presentation of self-study tasks, analysis, practical tasks, control tasks, solving pedagogical problems, module test Methods: lecture, seminar, preparation of analytical materials, speeches, presentations, preparation of reports, solving practical problems, discussing conflict situations, discussing solutions to practical situations, module test
Assessment methods and criteria
Survey, performance of practical tasks, presentation, solution of pedagogical problems, discourse Evaluation and analysis of the results of educational and independent activities Module test: 1 point for each correct answer. The maximum number of points for work during the semester is 100. The credit is based on the results of work during the semester and does not provide additional assessment activities for successful students.
Language of instruction


This discipline is taught by the following teachers

Mykola Volodymyrovych Zhilenko
Department of Pedagogic
Faculty of Psychology


The following departments are involved in teaching the above discipline

Department of Pedagogic
Faculty of Psychology