Teaching Staff Management

Course: Pedagogy of Higher Education

Structural unit: Faculty of Psychology

Teaching Staff Management
Module type
Вибіркова дисципліна для ОП
Educational cycle
Year of study when the component is delivered
Semester/trimester when the component is delivered
2 Semester
Number of ECTS credits allocated
Learning outcomes
LO 7. To develop the strategy and tactics for professional growth of the scientific and pedagogical worker a higher education institution; effectively form a communication strategy in a professional environment; to be responsible for the results of professional activities. LO 12. To solve complex professional and pedagogical tasks in new and unusual situations. LP 16. Ability to interact with people and influence their behaviour.
Form of study
Full-time form
Prerequisites and co-requisites
- to know the categories of pedagogy and pedagogy of higher education, age and educational psychology («personality», «group», «socialization», «adaptation», «integration of personality», «education», etc.), ontogenetic patterns of formation mental properties, states and processes, processes of formation and development of personality, social communities. - be able to apply theoretical knowledge in the process of assessing the needs, characteristics and resources of others, developing ways to overcome their problems; - to demonstrate knowledge of modern technologies to solve tasks of professional activity; specification of individual needs, age, gender, ethnic characteristics of other people; generating new ideas, evaluating the results and quality of professional activity.
Course content
The content of the discipline analyzes the characteristics of the teaching staff, modern views on the management system of the teaching staff; the structure, functions and technology of pedagogical staff management are considered; the peculiarities of modelling pedagogical staff and scientific and pedagogical team management, management of scientific and pedagogical team on the basis of personalized approach are substantiated; the process of quality management of the pedagogical staff of the educational institution, the criteria for evaluating the success of pedagogical, scientific and pedagogical teams are considered.
Recommended or required reading and other learning resources/tools
Anotovanyi bibliohrafichnyi pokazhchyk prats naukovo-pedahohichnykh pratsivnykiv kafedry pedahohiky Kyivskoho natsionalnoho universytetu imeni Tarasa Shevchenka (2013-2020 roky) / Ukl. A. A. Marushkevych, N. I. Holovko, S. P. Balashova. Kyiv : TsP «Komprynt», 2020. 63 s. Martynets L. A. Upravlinska diialnist kerivnyka navchalnoho zakladu : [navch. posibn.] / L. A. Martynets. Vinnytsia, 2018. 196 s. Rohova T. V. Personalizovanyi pidkhid v upravlinni pedahohichnym kolektyvom shkoly / T. V. Rohova. Kharkiv : Nove slovo, 2006. 300 s. Luniachek V. E. Pedahohichnyi menedzhment: navchalnyi posibnyk / V. E. Luniachek. 2-e vyd., vypr. Kharkiv : Vyd-vo KharRI NADU «Mahistr», 2015. 512 s. Marmaza O. I. Menedzhment osvitnoi orhanizatsii / O. I. Marmaza. Kharkiv : TOV «Shchedra sadyba», 2017. 126 s Pshenychna L. V. Kerivnyk navchalnoho zakladu : navch. posib. / L. V. Pshenychna. Sumy : Vyd‐vo SumDPU imeni A. S. Makarenka, 2016. 520 s.
Planned learning activities and teaching methods
Activities: oral presentations, participation in the discussion, presentation of completed independent tasks of search of creative and research nature), analysis of scientific literature, archival materials, articles in periodicals, practical tasks, project preparation. Methods: verbal, explanatory-illustrative, problem-solving, partial-search, research, modelling, case method, project design.
Assessment methods and criteria
Report, activity in discussion, discussion, oral and written questioning (5 – good knowledge of the material, free and reasoned presentation; 4 – sufficient, enough free presentation, there may be lack of argument, 3 – general knowledge, lack of argumentation, 2 insufficient knowledge, does not refer to the sources of information,1 - demonstrates the level of knowledge-acquaintances). Performance of individual tasks, presentations, models, projects (5 –has the ability to freely perform practical tasks at a high level; 4 –has the ability to perform practical tasks at a satisfactory level, 3 – general ability to perform practical tasks; 2 – insufficient skills to perform practical tasks, 1 – demonstrates mediocre activity, lack of independence in performing practical tasks. For the semester: min. 36 points; max. 60. Exam: min. 24, max 40 points. Final assessment/ Final grade excellent 90-100; good 75-89; satisfactory 60-74; unsatisfactory 0-59
Language of instruction


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