Professional and Corporate Ethics

Course: Pedagogy of Higher Education

Structural unit: Faculty of Psychology

Professional and Corporate Ethics
Module type
Обов’язкова дисципліна для ОП
Educational cycle
Year of study when the component is delivered
Semester/trimester when the component is delivered
1 Semester
Number of ECTS credits allocated
Learning outcomes
LO 3. To form a pedagogically effective partner interpersonal interaction, to carry out business communication, to be clear and unambiguous in stating their own views, opinions and arguments on education and pedagogics to the expert environment and the wide audience, to conduct a discussion on the issues of the topic. LO 7. Create an open educational and scientific environment that is favourable to educationalists and focused on ensuring learning outcomes.
Form of study
Full-time form
Prerequisites and co-requisites
- to know the nature of the main regulators of human activity and behaviour, joint activity as mutual influence of people on each other; - to be able to analyze the meaning of key concepts of pedagogics, generalize and correlate different conceptual approaches in the study of social phenomena, educational processes; analyze the current regulatory framework of higher education, the activities of teachers; - to have skills in public communication, planning of activities, evaluation of the results of activities, and building up professional interaction.
Course content
The content of the discipline determines the subject field of professional ethics, its place in the structure of ethical knowledge, reveals the features of ethical regulation of professional activity, theoretical and methodological basis of professional ethics of a teacher of higher education; diagnostic tools for determining the formation of professional ethics and classification of typical errors of professional and ethical behaviour of a teacher of higher education are presented; the content and principles of formation of professional ethics of a university teacher are outlined; corporate ethics is considered as an element of corporate culture, corporate social responsibility of a teacher of higher education.
Recommended or required reading and other learning resources/tools
Anotovanyi bibliohrafichnyi pokazhchyk prats naukovo-pedahohichnykh pratsivnykiv kafedry pedahohiky Kyivskoho natsionalnoho universytetu imeni Tarasa Shevchenka (2013-2020 roky) / Ukl. A. A. Marushkevych, N. I. Holovko, S. P. Balashova. Kyiv : TsP «Komprynt», 2020. 63 s.Vasianovych H. P. Pedahohichna etyka [Tekst] : navch. posibnyk / H. P. Vasianovych. – Kyiv : Akademvydav, 2011. 256 s.Navchalnyi posibnyk z kursu «Profesiina etyka vyshchoi osvity» dlia osib, shcho navchaiutsia v mahistraturi za spetsialnistiu «Pedahohika vyshchoi shkoly». / A. P. Alekseienko, K. I. Karpenko, L. O. Honcharenko, V. V. Deineka. Kharkiv: KhNMU, 2015. 77 s.Profesiina i prykladna etyka: navchalnyi posibnyk / Abolina T. H., Rohozha M. M., Vasylkevych Ya. Z., Zabolotna V. O., Kotsur V. P., Ryk S. M.; za zah. red. Kotsura V. P. Pereiaslav-Khmelnytskyi: Preprynt, 2016. 314 s.
Planned learning activities and teaching methods
Activities: oral presentations, participation in discussions, presentations of completed independent tasks of creative and research nature analysis of scientific literature, articles in periodicals, works of art, feature films, pedagogical situations, practical tasks, pedagogical tasks, project preparation. Methods: verbal, explanatory and illustrative, problem-solving, partial search, research, modelling, case method, game design.
Assessment methods and criteria
Report, activity in discussion, discussion, oral and written questioning (10 –knowledge of the material, free and reasoned presentation; 9-8 - sufficient, enough free presentation, there may be lack of argument,7-6 – general knowledge, lack of argumentation, 5-4 – insufficient knowledge, does not refer to the sources of information, educational literature, materials, 1-3 – demonstrates the level of knowledge-acquaintances). Individual tasks, presentation, solving pedagogical problems, project (10–has the ability to perform practical tasks of various kinds at a high level; 9-8 –has the ability to perform practical tasks of various kinds at a sufficient level, 7-6 –has the ability to perform practical tasks in general; 5-4 – does not have enough skills to perform practical tasks, 1-3 – demonstrates lack of independence in performing practical tasks. The maximum number of points per semester is 100. Final assessment / Final grade: 60-100 - credited; 0-59 - not credited
Language of instruction


This discipline is taught by the following teachers


The following departments are involved in teaching the above discipline