
Course: Trade, Logistics and Ecological Entrepreneurship

Structural unit: Faculty of Economics

ОК 31
Module type
Обов’язкова дисципліна для ОП
Educational cycle
Year of study when the component is delivered
Semester/trimester when the component is delivered
5 Semester
Number of ECTS credits allocated
Learning outcomes
PL05. Organize search, independent selection, high-quality processing of information from various sources for the formation of data banks in the field of entrepreneurship, trade and exchange activities. PL12. Have the methods and tools to justify management decisions on the establishment and operation of business, trade and exchange structures. PL14. Be able to apply innovative approaches in business, trade and exchange activities. PL21. Apply the principles and methods of organizing efficient logistics activities and provide proposals for the formation of logistics policy of the enterprise taking into account the minimization of environmental impact.
Form of study
Full-time form
Prerequisites and co-requisites
1. Know the content of basic economic disciplines, have the skills of economic analysis, methods of statistical analysis. Know the basic approaches to enterprise management, its marketing policy. 2. To be able to use analytical and statistical methods of processing of economic information, to use skills of planning of economic activity of the enterprise, to calculate technical and economic indicators of activity of the enterprise. 3. Have knowledge of economic theory, business economics, management, marketing, microeconomics, skills of economic analysis, design and presentation of data using Microsoft Office programs (Excel, Word, Power Point, etc.).
Course content
The curriculum consists of the following content modules: 1. "Theoretical principles of logistics activities of the enterprise" - devoted to the study of the essence, objectives and principles of logistics activities of the enterprise; disclosure of the essence and evolution of logistics and forms of logistics integration; analysis of logistics systems and chains in business; development of logistics strategies of the enterprise. 2. "Management of logistics activities of the enterprise in modern conditions" - focuses on the analysis of the efficiency of the logistics system of the enterprise, information logistics of the enterprise, the study of logistics of inventories of the enterprise and the organization of logistics of warehousing processes.
Recommended or required reading and other learning resources/tools
1. Дудар Т.Г., Волошин Р.В. Основи логістики. Навч. посіб. – К.: Центр учбової літератури, 2012. – 176 с. 2. Корінь М.В. Обруч Г.В. Корпоративна логістика: Конспект лекцій. – Харків: УкрДУЗТ, 2016. – Ч.2. – 61 с. 3. Крикавський Є. В. Логістика для економістів : підруч. для студентів та викл. ВНЗ : присвяч. 170-річчю Нац. ун-ту "Львів. політехніка" і 70- річчю каф. маркетингу та логістики / Є. В. Крикавський. – 2-ге вид., виправл. і доповн. – Львів : Вид-во Львів. політехніки, 2014. – 476 с. 4. Крикавський Є. В. Логістика: компедіум і практикум : навч. посіб. / Є. В. Крикавський, Н. І. Чухрай, Н. В. Чорнописька. – К. : Кондор, 2009. – 340 с. 5. Крикавський Є. Логістика та управління ланцюгами поставок : навч. посіб. / Є. Крикавський, О. Похильченко, М. Фертч. – Львів : Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2017. – 844 с. 6. Логістика: теорія та практика : навч. посіб. / Кислий В. М., Біловодська О. А., О. М. Олефіренко, О. М. Соляник. – К. : ЦУЛ, 2016. – 356 с. 20. - 314 с.
Planned learning activities and teaching methods
Lecture, organization independent student work, seminar
Assessment methods and criteria
1. Content module 1 (MR1), includes topics 1-7, form of control - Modular test (Min. - 12 points, Max. - 20 points). 2. Content module 2 (MR2), includes topics 8-14, as well as independent analytical work; form of control - modular test (Min. - 12 points, Max. - 20 points). Final assessment in the form of an exam. A student is not allowed to take the exam if he / she received less than 36 points during the semester. If the student's grade on the exam is lower than the minimum threshold level (24 points), the points for the exam are not added to the semester grade (considered equal to zero), and the final grade in the discipline is unsatisfactory. There are 3 blocks of tasks for the exam: 1 block - theoretical questions; Block 2 - test tasks; Block 3 - situational task.
Language of instruction


This discipline is taught by the following teachers

Department of environmental management and entrepreneurship
Faculty of Economics


The following departments are involved in teaching the above discipline

Department of environmental management and entrepreneurship
Faculty of Economics