Trade, Logistics and Ecological Entrepreneurship

Faculty of Economics

Trade, Logistics and Ecological Entrepreneurship
Program code
Qualification awarded
Bachelor of Entrepreneurship, Trade and Stock activity
Length of programme
4 years
Number of credits
level of qualification according to the National Qualification Framework and the European Qualifications Framework
Qualification level
First (Bachelor)
Management and administration
Knowledge Field
Specific admission requirements
Document on complete general secondary education, diploma of junior bachelor (junior specialist)
Specific arrangements for recognition of prior learning
Qualification requirements and regulations, including graduation requirements
Certification of graduates of the educational program "Entrepreneurship and Stock activity" specialty 076 "Entrepreneurship, Trade and Stock activity" is carried out in the form of a comprehensive final exam.
Programme learning outcomes
PLO01. Use basic knowledge of entrepreneurship, trade and exchange activities and skills of critical thinking, analysis and synthesis for professional purposes. PLO02. Apply the acquired knowledge to identify, set and solve problems in different practical situations in business, trade and exchange activities. PLO03 Have skills of written and oral professional communication in state and foreign languages. PLO04. Use modern computer and telecommunication technologies for the exchange and dissemination of professionally oriented information in the field of entrepreneurship, trade and exchange activities. PLO05. Organize search, independent selection, high-quality processing of information from various sources for the formation of data banks in the field of entrepreneurship, trade and exchange activities. PLO06. Be able to work in a team, have interpersonal skills that allow you to achieve professional goals. PLO07. Demonstrate entrepreneurship in various areas of professional activity and take responsibility for the results. PLO08. Apply the acquired knowledge and skills to initiate and implement measures in the field of environmental protection and safe operation of business, trade and exchange structures. PLO09. Know the requirements for activities in the specialty, due to the need to ensure sustainable development of Ukraine, its strengthening as a democratic, social and legal state. PLO10. Demonstrate the ability to act socially responsibly based on ethical, cultural, scientific values ​​and achievements of society. PLO11. Demonstrate basic and structured knowledge in the field of entrepreneurship, trade and exchange activities for further use in practice. PLO12. Have the methods and tools to justify management decisions on the establishment and operation of business, trade and exchange structures. PLO13. Use the knowledge of the forms of interaction of the subjects of market relations to ensure the activities of business, trade and exchange structures. PLO14. Be able to apply innovative approaches in business, trade and exchange activities. PLO15. Evaluate the characteristics of goods and services in business, trade and exchange activities using modern methods. PLO16. Know the regulatory and legal support of business, trade and exchange structures and apply it in practice. PLO17. Be able to solve professional problems in organizing the activities of business, trade and exchange structures and solve problems in crisis situations, taking into account external and internal influences. PLO18. Know the basics of accounting and taxation in business, trade and exchange activities. PLO19. Apply knowledge and skills to ensure the effective organization of foreign economic activity of business, trade and exchange structures, taking into account market conditions and current legal norms. PLO20. Know the basics of business planning, assessing market conditions and performance of business, trade and exchange structures, taking into account the risks.
Form of study
Full-time form
Examination regulations and grading scale
Written exams and tests, differentiated tests oral and written examination, testing, preparation of essays, individual and group projects, presentations in РР, written tests, defense of term papers.
Оbligatory or optional mobility windows (if applicable)
Work placement
Work-based learning
Director of the course
Department of environmental management and entrepreneurship
Faculty of Economics
Occupational profiles of graduates
Employment at enterprises of various organizational and legal forms (commercial, non-commercial, state, municipal), in which graduates work as managers of the primary level of management; various services of the administration; state and municipal government bodies, as well as create and develop their own business. Graduates can work as managers of production, trade, logistics, exchange structures and their divisions, brand managers, creative managers, managers and managers in retail and wholesale and services, logistics specialists, environmental control and environmental assessment specialists, exchange specialists operations, commodity market research analysts, commodity experts, managers and experts in foreign economic activity, managers of quality management systems, managers of environmental management, heads of customs posts and customs departments, experts in the customs service.
Access to further studies
Opportunity to continue education at the second (master's) level of higher education.