Political globalism and critical geopolitics

Course: Political science

Structural unit: Faculty of Philosophy

Political globalism and critical geopolitics
ОК 5
Module type
Обов’язкова дисципліна для ОП
Educational cycle
Year of study when the component is delivered
Semester/trimester when the component is delivered
2 Semester
Number of ECTS credits allocated
Learning outcomes
1. Apply understanding of the nature and meaning of politics as a specific type of human activity and a special field of knowledge to solve complex problems of political science. 2. Apply specialized conceptual knowledge of political science in the field of professional activity and is the basis for original thinking and conducting research, critical understanding of problems in the field and on the border of the fields of knowledge. 6. Critically consider the principles of the exercise of power and public policy, political institutions and processes, world politics and the politics of individual countries and regions. 9. Construct a design, plan and perform scientific research, formulate and test hypotheses, interpret data, justify conclusions.
Form of study
Full-time form
Prerequisites and co-requisites
1. Before studying this course, students should know the basic concepts and categories of political globalism, theory of political systems, general theory of politics, political technology, international relations, civil society, political and social organizations and movements, etc. 2. Be able to collect and interpret information on political processes; apply basic terms, categories of analysis of socio-political phenomena and processes; identify current trends in the transformation of political processes in the context of globalization, forecast the prospects for their development, taking into account the peculiarities of regional and geopolitical development. 3. Have basic skills in research and information management; critical attitude and forecasting regarding political, economic events and phenomena; use of foreign language professional information sources.
Course content
The discipline acquaints students with the historical background of the development of global studies, schools and concepts of global studies. The subject, tasks, theoretical bases, methodologies, main directions and problems of political globalism are determined. The characteristic of globalization as a phenomenon of the modern world is considered. The peculiarities of political space and time in the global dimension are clarified. The civilizational paradigm of global political processes is studied. The interaction of globalization and international security of society is explained. Critical Geopolitics provides systematic knowledge of the categorical apparatus of geopolitics, developed within the framework of classical and modern geopolitical concepts. The subject of the discipline are the leading geopolitical trends of the modern world process.
Recommended or required reading and other learning resources/tools
Bzhezynsʹkyy Z. Velyka shakhivnytsya. Lʹviv, Ivano-Frankivsʹk, 2000. Hlobalʹni modernosti. Per. z anhl. T. Tsymbala. K., 2008. Dnistryansʹkyy M.S. Heopolitychni doktryny i pidkhody: krytychnyy analiz metodolohiyi / Lʹvivsʹkyy natsionalʹnyy un-t im. Ivana Franka. L.: Vydavnychyy tsentr LNU im. Ivana Franka, 2003. 111 s. Madisson V.V., Shakhov V.A. Suchasna ukrayinsʹka heopolityka: Navch. posibnyk dlya stud. humanist spets. vyshchykh navch. zak. K.: Lybidʹ, 2003. 174 s. Shulʹha M. Heopolityka [Tekst] : navch. posib. dlya studentiv VNZ / M. A. Shulʹha; Kyyiv. nats. un-t im. Tarasa Shevchenka. - Kyyiv : Kyyivsʹkyy universytet, 2017. 239 s.
Planned learning activities and teaching methods
Lectures, seminars, independent work
Assessment methods and criteria
Oral reports, discussions, presentation of independent research, review of sources with analytical commentary. Criteria. The following are subject to assessment in seminars: the level of knowledge and completeness of disclosure of the issue in oral reports; activity in discussing issues and argumentation of one's own position in discussions; use of additional sources in preparing the report; ability to critically analyze ideas and statements presented for discussion; meaningful content of the presentation material and its free and interesting presentation. Criteria for evaluating independent work (essays, analytical research) are the presence of independent, scientifically sound commentary (with reference to the main and additional literature for the course), the formulation of opinions using professional terminology and compliance with deadlines for independent work
Language of instruction


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