Systems and methods of decision making

Faculty of Computer Science and Cybernetics

Systems and methods of decision making
Program code
Qualification awarded
Master of system аnalysis
Length of programme
2 years
Number of credits
level of qualification according to the National Qualification Framework and the European Qualifications Framework
Qualification level
Second (Master)
Information technologies
KnowledgeField EN
Specific admission requirements
Specific arrangements for recognition of prior learning
Bachelor's degree.
Qualification requirements and regulations, including graduation requirements
Programme learning outcomes
LO1. Specialized conceptual knowledge, which includes modern scientific achievements in the field of systems analysis and information technology and is the basis for original thinking and research. LO2. Build and research models of complex systems and processes using methods of systems analysis, mathematical, computer and information modeling. LO3. Apply methods to reveal uncertainties in the problems of systems analysis, to reveal situational uncertainties and uncertainties in the problems of interaction, counteraction and conflict of strategies, to find a compromise in revealing conceptual uncertainty. LO4. Develop and apply methods, algorithms and tools for forecasting the development of complex systems and processes of different nature. LO5. Use risk assessment measures and apply them in the analysis of multifactorial risks in complex systems. LO6. Apply machine learning and data mining techniques, mathematical apparatus of fuzzy logic, game theory, and distributed artificial intelligence to solve complex systems analysis problems. LO7. To develop intelligent systems in the conditions of poorly structured data of different nature. LO8. Identify and evaluate the parameters of mathematical models of control objects. LO9. Develop and apply models, methods and algorithms for decision-making in conflict, fuzzy information, uncertainty and risk. LO10. It is clear and unambiguous to convey one's own knowledge, conclusions and arguments to specialists and non-specialists, in particular to students. LO11. Freely present and discuss orally and in writing the results of research and innovation, other issues of professional activity in the state and English languages. LO12. Apply the methodology of scenario analysis in the problems of scientific and technical prediction. LO13. Develop and teach disciplines in higher education institutions.
Form of study
Full-time form
Examination regulations and grading scale
Written exams, laboratory reports, oral presentations, current control, tests, differentiated tests, comprehensive exam, defense of master's thesis. Certification is carried out openly and publicly. The comprehensive exam is to demonstrate theoretical knowledge and practical skills in solving the proposed tasks; the achievement of learning outcomes is checked: РН1-РН15. Qualification work should involve solving a complex problem of research and / or innovation in the field of systems analysis, should not contain academic plagiarism.
Оbligatory or optional mobility windows (if applicable)
Work placement
Students are required to take assistantship and internships. The student can pass industrial practice both on the basis of graduating departments, and in the state, private establishments, establishments, at the enterprises of the corresponding profile taking into account tasks of practice and possibility of their realization (the practice contract is made out). At the end of the internship, the student reports, receiving a grade.
Work-based learning
Student-centered learning. Lectures, seminars, laboratory work, performance of course, qualification works, independent work on the basis of educational and methodical materials, consultations with teachers. There are specialized computer classes and unlimited open access to the Internet for information retrieval and processing of results. Use of the electronic library of the faculty ( and author's developments of scientific and pedagogical staff of the faculty. Specialists from the Institute of Cybernetics of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine are involved.
Director of the course
Serhii O. Mashchenko
System analysis and decision making theory
Faculty of Computer Science and Cybernetics
Occupational profiles of graduates
Graduates can work in scientific, educational, analytical, IT and other institutions and departments in positions that require the use of systems analysis.
Access to further studies
All programs of the Doctor of Philosophy in the field of knowledge "Information Technology".


As part of the curriculum, students study the following disciplines

Methodology and organization of scientific research with the basics of intellectual property
Code: ОК.01,
Pedagogy and psychology of high school
Code: ОК.03,
Statistical theory of decision making
Code: ОК.05,
Extreme problems theory
Code: ОК.06,
Modern programming technologies
Code: ОК.10,
Foreign language for academic purposes (1st semester)
Code: ОК.08,
Bayesian networks
Code: ОК.21,
Mathematical models of insurance and pension schemes
Code: ОК.22,
Course thesis
Code: ОК.24,
Foreign language for academic purposes (2nd semester)
Code: ОК.08,
Decision support systems
Code: ОК.11,
Corporate systems
Code: ОК.12,
Problems of applied systems analysis  
Code: ОК.17,
Uncertainty and grouping of information
Code: ОК.19,
Computational geometry and computer graphics
Code: ОК.09,
Professional and corporate ethics
Code: ,
Queuing networks
Code: ДВВ.04,
Investment decisions making
Code: ДВС.3.01.02,
Artificial intelligence
Code: ДВС.3.02.01,
Modern methods of selective research
Code: ДВС.3.04.01,
Expert systems
Code: ДВС.3.05.02,
System analysis of population dynamics
Code: ДВС.1.01,
Applied problems of decision theory
Code: ДВС.1.02,
Mathematics of finance 
Code: ННД.07,
Information and analytical systems
Code: ДВС.3.03.02,
Methods of teaching mathematics and computer science in high school
Code: ННД.04,
Practical training
Code: ННД.13,
Pedagogical practice
Code: ННД.14,
Preparation and defense of master's qualification thesis
Code: ННД.15,
Comprehensive exam in the specialty 'Systems and methods of decision making'
Code: ННД.16,
Analysis and optimization of risk
Code: ДВВ.02,