Laser and optoelectronic technique

Faculty of Physics

Laser and optoelectronic technique
Program code
Qualification awarded
Master of Metrology and Information and Measurement Technology in the educational and scientific program "Laser and Optoelectronic technique"
Length of programme
2 years
Number of credits
level of qualification according to the National Qualification Framework and the European Qualifications Framework
Qualification level
Second (Master)
Automation and instrumentation
Specific admission requirements
First level of higher education (bachelor's degree)
Specific arrangements for recognition of prior learning
On the basis of entrance examinations conducted in the form of:
• a single entrance exam in a foreign language in the form of a test; • professional entrance examination conducted by the University.
Qualification requirements and regulations, including graduation requirements
The final attestation of graduates of the educational program of specialty 152 "Metrology and information-measuring equipment" is carried out in the form of a comprehensive exam and public defense of qualifying work and ends with the issuance of a standard document on awarding him a degree with higher education: Master of Metrology and Information-Measuring educational and scientific program "Laser and optoelectronic technology".
Programme learning outcomes
- Know and understand modern methods of research, organization and planning of experiments, computerized methods of research and processing of measurement results - Know and understand the basic concepts of measurement theory, apply in practice and in computer modeling of objects and phenomena - Understand interdisciplinary specialties and contexts - Be able to perform analysis of engineering products, processes and systems according to established criteria, select and apply the most appropriate analytical, calculation and experimental methods for research, interpret research results - Be able to formulate and solve problems in metrology related to procedures for observation of objects, measurement, control, diagnosis and forecasting taking into account the importance of social constraints - Be able to develop regulatory and technical documents and standards of metrological focus on engineering products, processes and systems - Be able to design and develop engineering metrological products, processes and systems of metrological orientation, choose and apply methods of computerized experimental research - Have modern methods and techniques of design and research, as well as analysis of results - Have the skills to organize and conduct technical tests of engineering products - Free to present and discuss scientific results in the official language and English or one of the languages ​​of the European Union orally and in writing, as well as to conduct a scientific discussion - Use hardware and software of modern information technology to solve problems in metrology and information technology - Understand the basics of patenting and intellectual property protection skills - Know and understand the principles of operation and structure of optical and opto-electronic information measuring systems - Know and understand the physical basis of operation of devices and systems based on laser technology and nonlinear optics.
Form of study
Full-time form
Examination regulations and grading scale
Written and oral exams, tests, differentiated test, presentations, tests, current control, defense of practices, comprehensive exam, defense of master's thesis. Rating scale: Excellent 90-100; Good 75-89; Satisfactory 60-74; Fail 0-59; Passed 60-100; Fail 0-59.
Оbligatory or optional mobility windows (if applicable)
Work placement
Passing research and production and undergraduate practices. Internships are mandatory components of the educational program. Internships are held on the basis of the Faculty of Physics.
Work-based learning
Director of the course
Oleksii Volodymyrovych Makarenko
Department of Optics
Faculty of Physics
Occupational profiles of graduates
Jobs in companies, small enterprises and institutes of the academic, technological and information sector (researcher in the field of natural sciences and technical sciences, ensuring quality standards, metrology, commercialization of scientific research), development and production of optical and optoelectronic devices and systems. Activities in the field of informatization: -consulting on informatization (consulting on the type and configuration of computer hardware and software use: analysis of information needs of users and search for the best solutions); -data processing (data processing using user software or proprietary software; full processing, preparation and input of data; provision of data placement services on the Internet).
Access to further studies
Opportunity to continue studying at the level of "Doctor of Philosophy" (third level of higher education) (both within the main and related subject area, and beyond).


As part of the curriculum, students study the following disciplines

Laser technology and applied quantum electronics
Code: ОК3,
Workshop on laser physics and quantum electronics
Code: ОК4,
Optical methods in biology and medicine
Code: ОК5,
Methodology and organization of scientific research with the basics of intellectual property
Code: ОК1,
Methods and means of metrological support of nanotechnology
Code: ОК10,
Metrological support of photometric measurements
Code: ОК11,
Methods of control and management of properties of nanoelectronic materials
Code: ОК12,
Code: ОК17,
Research and production practice in laser and optoelectronic technology
Code: ОК18,
Code: ОК14,
Research practice in laser technology and nonlinear optics
Code: ВК4.2,
Professional and corporate ethics
Code: ОК2,
Fundamentals of nonlinear optics
Code: ОК8,
Laser spectroscopy
Code: ОК9,
Undergraduate practice in laser technology and nonlinear optics
Code: ОК6,
Optics of ultrashort pulses
Code: ОК7,
Physics of biosystems
Code: ОК19,
Fiber optics and optical communication
Code: ВК5.1,
Adaptive optics
Code: ОК16,
Principles of solid state theory
Code: ВК3.1,
Assistant practice
Code: ВК3.2,
Special methods of programming and modeling in laser and optoelectronic technology
Code: ВК4.1,
Optical diagnostics of semiconductors
Code: ОК15,
Special scientific seminar on laser and optoelectronic technology
Code: ВК5.2,
High intensity physics
Code: ОК20,
Code: ВК1.1,
Qualifying work of the master
Code: ОК13,