
Faculty of Physics

Program code
Qualification awarded
Bachelor of Metrology and Information and Measurement Technology in the educational program of Optotechnique
Length of programme
4 years
Number of credits
level of qualification according to the National Qualification Framework and the European Qualifications Framework
Qualification level
First (Bachelor)
Automation and instrumentation
Specific admission requirements
On the basis of complete secondary education; on the basis of junior specialist
Specific arrangements for recognition of prior learning
According to the results of external independent evaluation based on complete secondary education. In the form of external independent assessment and professional entrance examination for admission on the basis of the educational and qualification level of a junior specialist.
Qualification requirements and regulations, including graduation requirements
Attestation of higher education seekers is carried out in the form of public defense of qualification (diploma) work and attestation exam and ends with the issuance of a standard document on awarding him a degree of higher education with a bachelor's degree: Bachelor of Metrology and Information and Measurement Technology in the educational program of Optotechnique.
Programme learning outcomes
- Know, understand and be able to apply the basic principles of general and theoretical physics - Know and understand the physical foundations of optical phenomena: analyze, explain and classify optical phenomena - Know and understand the experimental foundations of physics and optics: analyze, describe and explain basic experimental evidence of existing physical theories - Be able to apply basic mathematical knowledge used in physics, optics and laser physics - Know the main current problems of modern optics, laser physics, optoelectronics and metrology - Assess the impact of new scientific results in optics, physics, electronics and new technologies on modern optics, of Laser Physics, Optoelectronics and Metrology - Understand, analyze and explain new scientific results obtained during research in the field of optics, laser physics and optoelectronics - Have basic skills of self-study: be able to find the necessary information, analyze, system to know, understand and use it to solve scientific and applied problems - To have basic skills of theoretical and experimental research in the field of optics, laser physics and optoelectronics - To be able to plan research, choose optimal methods and means to achieve research goals, find ways to solve scientific tasks and improvement of applied methods - Be able to organize, interpret and summarize scientific and practical results, draw conclusions - Be able to present scientific results, participate in discussions on the content and results of their own research - Understand the relationship of optics, laser physics and metrology other natural and engineering sciences - Know and understand the basic safety requirements for experimental research - Have skills in modern computer technology, be able to use standard application packages and program at a high level.
Form of study
Full-time form
Examination regulations and grading scale
Written and oral exams, tests, differentiated tests, presentations, essays, tests, current control, defense of practices, comprehensive exam in physics, defense of bachelor's thesis. Rating scale: Excellent 90-100; Good 75-89; Satisfactory 60-74; Fail 0-59; Passed 60-100; Fail 0-59.
Оbligatory or optional mobility windows (if applicable)
Work placement
Educational practice in the specialty in the 3rd year. Professional practice is a mandatory component of the educational program. The internship takes place at a distance from the theoretical training on the basis of the Faculty of Physics and Research Institutes of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine.
Work-based learning
Director of the course
Vadym Mykolaiovych Prokopets
Department of Optics
Faculty of Physics
Occupational profiles of graduates
Graduates can work as technical specialists in the field of physical sciences, optics and laser physics, optoelectronics, metrology, optical instrumentation. Jobs in companies, small enterprises and institutes of the academic, research, technological and information sector (researcher in the field of natural and technical sciences).
Access to further studies
They have the right to continue their education at the second level of higher education both within the main and related subject areas and outside them.


As part of the curriculum, students study the following disciplines

Foreign Language
Code: ОК 2.,
Ukrainian and foreign culture
Code: ОК 3.,
Socio-political studies
Code: ОК 5.,
Code: ОК 7,
Differential equations and numerical methods
Code: ОК 15. ,
Thermodynamics and statistical physics
Code: ОК 22.,
Introduction to optical measurement methods
Code: ОК 24.,
Code: ОК 26. ,
Introduction to analog electronics
Code: ОК 32.,
Geometric theory of optical images
Code: ОК 33.,
General physics: mechanics and molecular physics
Code: ОК 8.1.,
Semiconductor optics
Code: ВК 1.1.1,
Fourier optics
Code: ВК 1.1.2,
Optical materials science and technology of optical instrument making
Code: ВК 1.1.5,
Basics of microcontroller programming
Code: ВК 1.1.10,
General physics: electricity and magnetism, optics
Code: ОК 10.1,
Engineering graphics
Code: ОК 27.,
Classical mechanics
Code: ОК 19. ,
Admission to university studies
Code: ОК 1.,
Molecular physics
Code: ОК 8.,
Electricity and magnetism
Code: ОК 9,
Theory of functions of a complex variable
Code: ОК 16.,
Atomic physics
Code: ОК 11.,
Code: ОК 20. ,
Computer technology in the design of optical devices
Code: ОК 30.,
Computer calculation of optical systems (Zemax software package)
Code: ОК 37,
Mathematical analysis
Code: ОК 13.,
Code: ОК 10,
Linear algebra and analytic geometry
Code: ОК 14.,
Methods of mathematical physics
Code: ОК 18.,
Methods and techniques of spectral measurements
Code: ОК 31.,
Quantum mechanics
Code: ОК 21.,
Code: ВК 1.1.9,
Spectroscopy of atoms and molecules
Code: ВК 2.2.1,
Industrial practice by profession
Code: ОК 38,
Laser interferometry
Code: ВК 1.1.6,
Optical metrology and standardization
Code: ОК 25.,
Physics of nuclei and elementary particles
Code: ОК 12.,
Life safety with the basics of ecology
Code: ОК 6. ,
Code: ОК 4.,
Probability theory and mathematical statistics
Code: ОК 17.,
Fundamentals of optoelectronics
Code: ОК 35.,
Electronics materials
Code: ВК 3.2.1,
Optoelectronic devices and systems
Code: ВК 1.1.4,
Bachelor's thesis
Code: ОК 39,
Polarization methods of optical measurements
Code: ОК 28.,
Selected sections of labor law and legal framework of metrology
Code: ОК 23.,
Programming optical tasks in Python
Code: ВК 1.1.7,
Ultraviolet and X-ray optics
Code: ВК 3.2.2,
Fundamentals of laser physics and nonlinear optics
Code: ВК 13,