Educational-professional program "Economy for business"

Faculty of Economics

Educational-professional program "Economy for business"
Program code
Qualification awarded
Master of Economics in the educational program "Business Economics"
Length of programme
2 years
Number of credits
level of qualification according to the National Qualification Framework and the European Qualifications Framework
Qualification level
Second (Master)
Social and behavioral sciences
KnowledgeField EN
Specific admission requirements
Bachelor's degree. Admission requirements: First level of higher education (level 6 NQF) or higher level.
Specific arrangements for recognition of prior learning
Diploma of Bachelor's.
Qualification requirements and regulations, including graduation requirements
Training of highly qualified economics professionals with modern economic thinking, theoretical knowledge and applied skills, able to solve research and management problems and problems of economic systems at various levels, including at the level of companies characterized by uncertain conditions and requirements.
Programme learning outcomes
1. Formulate, analyze and synthesize solutions to scientific and practical problems. 2. Explore, improve and adopt effective solutions for the development of social and economic systems and the management of subjects of economic activity. 3. Vіlno splkuvatisya z professіynyh and naukovyh nutrition sovereign and foreign languages ​​verbally and in writing. 4. Development of social and economic projects and a system of integrated economic and social implementation for the improvement of their goals, assessment of social and economic heritage, risks, legislative, resource and other exchanges. 5. Maintain the principles of academic integrity. 6. Evaluate the results of your work, demonstrate leadership skills and smart staff management and practice in the team. 7. Choose effective management methods economic activities, to promote the promotion of solutions on the basis of relevant data and scientific and applied research. 8. Select, process and analyze statistical data, scientific and analytical materials necessary for the development of complex economic tasks. 9. Make effective decisions for of unimportant minds and could not, that would require the establishment of new approaches, methods and tools for social and economic achievements. 10. Zastosovuvat modern information technologies and special software security in social and economic achievements and in the management of social and economic systems. 11. Appreciate and critically evaluate the social and economic development trends, form and analyze models of economic systems and processes. 12.Obgruntovuvaty management solutions for the effective development of subjects of government, health care, resources, fencing and risiki.13. Evaluate the possible risks, social and economic consequences of managerial decisions. 14. Explore scenarios and development strategies social and economic systems. 15. Organize the development and implementation of social and economic projects from the provision of informational, methodical, material, financial and personnel security.16. Explore scenarios for ensuring the development of potential and competitive advantages of business on the internal and external markets in the minds of globalization. 17. Organize the formation of strategic platforms for entrepreneurship with the improvement of vartisno-oriented and socially oriented corporate governance.18. To establish tools for ensuring organizational development and organizational changes, corporate restructuring and anti-crisis management with the improvement of social and economic impacts for business and prosperity. 19. Form a high level of corporate and professional ethics in the process of managing the personnel of an enterprise with a method of increasing the quality of human capital and corporate culture.
Form of study
External form
Examination regulations and grading scale
Written exams and differentiated tests, oral and written examinations, testing, essay preparation, defense of individual and group projects, presentations in RR, written tests, defense of term papers, internship report, diploma thesis.
Оbligatory or optional mobility windows (if applicable)
Work placement
Practice in various areas of economic activities in the suburbs, in connection with the vikonannya scientific and advanced, design and economic, analytical, organizational and administrative work in state and private business structures, as well as in state and government authorities; illumination of that scientific activity at the highest principal foundations and the next centers.
Work-based learning
Training is carried out using traditional and innovative methods: lectures and seminars, computer training, organization of independent distance work, internships, involvement in individual and collective research.
Director of the course
Tetiana Mykolaivna Lytvynenko
Department of Business Economics
Faculty of Economics
Occupational profiles of graduates
The program deepens fundamental knowledge of economics, develops knowledge of socio-economic processes and patterns of functioning and development of enterprise and business. Forms research skills. This program allows you to work in various fields of economic activity in positions related to research, design and economic, analytical, organizational and managerial work in public and private business structures, as well as in state and local authorities; educational and research activities in higher education institutions and research centers.
Access to further studies
Opportunity to study in the programs of the third level of higher education for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in the same field of knowledge or related and to obtain additional qualifications in the system of adult education.