Methods of teaching psychology in higher education institutions

Course: Psychology

Structural unit: Faculty of Psychology

Methods of teaching psychology in higher education institutions
Module type
Обов’язкова дисципліна для ОП
Educational cycle
Year of study when the component is delivered
Semester/trimester when the component is delivered
2 Semester
Number of ECTS credits allocated
Learning outcomes
LO6. Develop educational materials and educational programs, implement them, receive feedback and evaluate quality.
Form of study
Prerequisites and co-requisites
1. TO know: theoretical foundations of personality psychology, age and pedagogical psychology, communication psychology and pedagogy and didactics psychology, psychology of communication and pedagogy and didactics; 2. To be able to: analyze information and create projects of educational classes and educational activities in the field of psychology and use knowledge of didactics and pedagogy and psychology of higher education; 3. To possess basic skills in setting and solving practical problems, public speaking, and additional skills in creative thinking, leadership, goal setting, time management, group work organization, etc.
Course content
The discipline "Methods of Teaching Psychology in Higher Education Institutions" is designed to provide students with knowledge of technologies for organizing and conducting psychology classes in higher education, methods of teaching psychology, formation of professional competencies of a psychologist-teacher, development of communication skills and oratory skills. The content of the discipline includes the concepts of "methodology", "teaching psychology", "educational technologies", "teaching methods", "curriculum and work program"; teaching as a kind of modern psychological and pedagogical practice; didactic and methodological features of teaching psychology in higher education institutions; technologies of teaching psychology.
Recommended or required reading and other learning resources/tools
1. Bulhakova N. B., Raxmanov V. O. Metodyka vykladannya u vyshhij shkoli : Navch. posibnyk. Kyyiv : NAU, 2012. 204 s. 2. Vlasova O. I. Metodyka vykladannya psyxolohiyi : Pidruchnyk. Kyyiv : Heoprynt, 2011. 340 s. 3. Hulyas I. A. Metodyka vykladannya psyxolohiyi : Navch. posib. Kyyiv : Vyd-vo Lyudmyla, 2018. 403 s. 4. Dvizhona O. V., Rusnak I. S. Metodyka vykladannya psyxolohiyi : Navchal"nyj posibnyk. Chernivci : Ruta, 2006. 231 s. 5. Zhukov S. M., Samojlov V. V. Vykladannya psyxolohichnyx dyscyplin u suchasnyx navchal"nyx zakladax : Navch. posib. Artemivs"k : DonUEP, 2015. 435 s. 6. Metodyka vykladannya psyxolohiyi u vyshhij shkoli : Navch. posib. / Yu. Yu. Bojko- Buzyl", S. L. Horbenko ta in. Kyyiv : Atika, 2012. 272 s. 7. Psyxolohiya vyshhoyi shkoly : Pidruchnyk / O. I. Vlasova, V. A. Semychenko, S. Yu. Pashhenko, Ya. H. Nevidoma. Kyyiv : VPC «Kyyivs"kyj universytet», 2015. 405 s.
Planned learning activities and teaching methods
a lecture, a practical lesson, and a creative work.
Assessment methods and criteria
1. Oral answers (presentation at the practical session, participation in discussions and debates, additions): - 20/14 points 2. Analytical report: - 10/6 points 3. Creative independent work: - 15/8 points 4. Final test: - 15/8 points The final assessment is conducted in the form of an exam. The maximum number of points that a student can receive is 40 points on a 100-point scale. The maximum number of points for work during the semester is 60. The form of the examination is written. Types of tasks - open questions, creative tasks; the answer to open question 1 - 30%; the answer to open question 2 - 30%, creative task - 40% of the total score. The minimum threshold level of the exam score for the exam to be considered passed cannot be less than 24 points. A student is not allowed to take the exam if he or she scored less than 36 points during the semester. They are admitted to the exam if they have completed 50% of the practical work provided for in the plan.
Language of instruction


This discipline is taught by the following teachers

Svitlana Yuriivna Paschenko
Department of Developmental Psychology
Faculty of Psychology


The following departments are involved in teaching the above discipline

Department of Developmental Psychology
Faculty of Psychology