Biophysics of membranes

Course: BIOLOGY (Bachelor) FULL-TIME

Structural unit: Biology And Medicine Institute Science Educational Center

Biophysics of membranes
Module type
Вибіркова дисципліна для ОП
Educational cycle
Year of study when the component is delivered
Semester/trimester when the component is delivered
7 Semester
Number of ECTS credits allocated
Learning outcomes
PR08. Know and understand basic terms, concepts, theories and laws in the field of biological sciences and on the border subject areas. PR11. Understand the structural organization of biological systems at the molecular level. PR12. Demonstrate knowledge of structure and processes vital activities and functions of living organisms, to understand mechanisms of regulation of physiological functions for maintenance of homeostasis of biological systems. PR19. Apply methods in practical activities definition of structural and functional characteristics of biological systems at different levels organizations PR24. Analyze physical and chemical properties and the functional role of biological macromolecules and molecular complexes of living organisms, character their interaction with ions, molecules and radicals, their structure and energetics of processes.
Form of study
Full-time form
Prerequisites and co-requisites
1. Successful mastering of scientific-theoretical and practical material of academic disciplines taught to students of the educational level "Bachelor", including disciplines of specialization "Biophysical research methods" and others. 2. Be able to independently apply knowledge of cytology, biochemistry, molecular biology, etc. disciplines, work with scientific and methodological literature.
Course content
The discipline is devoted to the consideration of the basic principles of structural organization of biomembranes, analysis of processes and phenomena occurring in them. Modern ideas about the structure and principles of functioning of biomembranes are considered; structural and functional characteristics of the main components of the biomembrane; physicochemical mechanisms of biomembrane stabilization; modern scientific trends and practical significance of biomembrane research methods in biophysical and biomedical research.
Recommended or required reading and other learning resources/tools
1. Біологічні мембрани та основи внутрішньоклітинної сигналізації: навч. посіб. / Л.І. Остапченко, Т.Б. Синельник, І.В. Компанець. – К.: ВПЦ «Київський університет», 2016. – 639 с. 2. Біофізика. Фізичні методи аналізу та метрологія: підруч. / за ред. Е.І. Личковського, В.О. Тіманюка. – Вінниця: Нова Книга, 2014. – 464 с. 3. Біофізика мембран: навч.-метод. розроб. / К.І. Богуцька, Ю.І. Прилуцький, Ю.П. Скляров. – К.: Вид-во Інституту металофізики ім. Г.В. Курдюмова, 2012. – 86 с. 4. Мельнікова О.З., Іванченко О.З. Біофізика мембран та пов'язаних з ними процесів життєдіяльності. – Запоріжжя: ЗДМУ, 2016. – 112 с. 5. Основи фізики з елементами біофізики: (навч.посіб.) / Ю.М. Краснобокий, О.В. Підгорний, І.А. Ткаченко. – Бровари: АНФ ГРУП, 2020. – 356 с.
Planned learning activities and teaching methods
Lecture, individual work
Assessment methods and criteria
Current evaluation / control: 1. Modular test 1 - PH 1.1-1.2 - 20 points / 10 points. 2. Modular test work 2 - pH 1.3 - 20 points / 10 points. 3. Execution of tasks of independent work (the list is attached) / current control - RN 1.1- 1.3 and 2.1-2.3 - 10 points / 5 points. 4. Preparation of the presentation / report (list of topics is attached), oral answers / additions - RN 1.1-1.3 and 3.1 - 10 points / 5 points. - final assessment: in the form of an exam
Language of instruction


This discipline is taught by the following teachers

Kateryna Ivanivna Bohutska
Department of Biophysics and Medical Informatics
Biology And Medicine Institute Science Educational Center


The following departments are involved in teaching the above discipline

Department of Biophysics and Medical Informatics
Biology And Medicine Institute Science Educational Center