Industrial (translation) practice with a break (Turkish)


Structural unit: Educational and Scientific Institute of Philology

Industrial (translation) practice with a break (Turkish)
Module type
Вибіркова дисципліна для ОП
Educational cycle
Year of study when the component is delivered
Semester/trimester when the component is delivered
3 Semester
Number of ECTS credits allocated
Learning outcomes
PLO 1; PLO 5; PLO 13; PLO 21; PLO 22; PLO 23 are presented in the section "Program Profile".
Form of study
Full-time form
Prerequisites and co-requisites
1.Know: grammatical categories and means of the Turkish language; vocabulary and phraseology of modern Turkish; various literary styles; translation methods, techniques and methods of translation. 2.Be able to: use the Turkish language fluently, flexibly and effectively in oral and written form, in various genre-style varieties and registers of communication to solve translation problems; ability to apply the knowledge and skills necessary to create an adequate written and oral translation of texts of various genres and styles from Turkish into Ukrainian and vice versa. 3.Possess basic skills: performing bilateral translation, abstracting and annotating, editing translations of special and literary texts of general and special topics.
Course content
The purpose of the translation practice is to develop students' practical skills in translation and interpretation in real socio-economic conditions on the basis of theoretical knowledge gained at the Institute of Philology. The students improve their skills in translation of literary texts, texts of general and special topics, as well as official documents of min. 5 standard A4 pages. Translation is performed from Turkish into Ukrainian.
Recommended or required reading and other learning resources/tools
1. Korunets I. V. Teoriia i praktyka perekladu : (aspektnyi pereklad) / I. V. Korunets. – Vinnytsia : Nova knyha, 2000. – 448 s. 2. Maksymov S. Ye. Perekladatskyi analiz tekstu : (anhl. ta ukr. mova) / S. Ye. Maksymov, T. O. Radchenko. – K. : Vyd. tsentr KNLU, 2001. – 148 s. 3. Sorokin S.V. Praktychnyi kurs perekladu z turetskoi movy. Chastyna persha. Pereklad hazetno-informatsiinykh tekstiv. / S.V. Sorokin – K., 2010. – 294 s. 4. Chernovatyi L.M. Metodyka vykladannia perekladu yak spetsialnosti: pidruchnyk dlia stud. vyshchykh zaklad. osvity za spetsialnistiu «Pereklad». / L.M. Chernovatyi – Vinnytsia: Nova knyha, 2013. – 376 s. 5. Eruz S.F. Çeviride ve çeviri eğtiminde koşut metinler. (Yayımlanmış doktora çalışması) – İstanbul, Basın Yayın Matbaacılık, İstanbul Üniversitesi Rektörlük Yayınları No: 4248. – 2000. – 254 s.
Planned learning activities and teaching methods
Orientation meeting - a meeting at the Department of Turkic Studies to discuss relevant regulations, scope of practice, requirements, and to draw up an individual internship plan. Translation of previously agreed texts. Compiling a glossary of terminology for the relevant materials. Reviewing the completed translation. Performing interpretation and translation. Finalizing the translation in accordance with the requirements of the internship. Preparation of reporting materials on the translation practice from the Eastern (Turkish) and Ukrainian languages. Defense of the report at the final conference.
Assessment methods and criteria
The results of students' learning activities are evaluated on a 100-point scale. A student who fails to complete the internship program for a valid reason is sent to the internship for a second time. For failure to fulfill the program of industrial (assistant) practice without good reason, he/she is applied for expulsion from the educational institution. Assessment by forms of control: 1. Participation in the orientation conference and work planning: 10 - 20 points. 2. Visiting and analyzing the classes of the department's teachers: 5 - 10 points. 3. Conducting trial classes in the specialty, improving the ability to self-analyze the classes: 10 - 20 points. 4. Detailed plan-concept of the test lesson, conducting a test lesson: 10 - 20 points. 5. Implementation of the plan of assistant practice: 5 - 10 points. 6. Detailed written report on the work: 7 - 10 points. 7. Defense of reporting materials: 15 - 20 points.
Language of instruction


This discipline is taught by the following teachers

Iryna Leonidivna Pokrovska
Departament of Turkology
Educational and Scientific Institute of Philology
Tetiana Valeriivna Nikitiuk
Departament of Turkology
Educational and Scientific Institute of Philology