Language of Professional Communication (Ukrainian)

Course: German philology and translation, English language

Structural unit: Educational and Scientific Institute of Philology

Language of Professional Communication (Ukrainian)
Module type
Обов’язкова дисципліна для ОП
Educational cycle
Year of study when the component is delivered
Semester/trimester when the component is delivered
2 Semester
Number of ECTS credits allocated
Learning outcomes
PLO 1. Communicate freely on professional issues with experts and non- experts in Ukrainian, German and English, in oral and in written form, use these languages to organize effective cross-cultural communication. PLO 10. Know the rules of standard language and be able to apply them in practice. PLO 11. Know the principles, technologies and techniques of oral and written texts of different genres and styles creation in Ukrainian, German and English. PLO 12. Analyse language units, determine their interaction, and characterize linguistic phenomena and the underlying processes. PLO 13. Analyze and interpret works of Ukrainian and foreign fiction and oral folk art, determine their specificity and place in the literary process (according to the chosen specialization). PLO 15. Perform linguistic, literary and translation analysis of texts of different styles and genres.
Form of study
Full-time form
Prerequisites and co-requisites
Know the content of the concepts "literary language", "communication". Be able to comment on the normative characteristics of the Ukrainian literary language. To have elementary skills of linguistic and stylistic differentiation of spheres of social communication.
Course content
The course aims to form students' professional knowledge of the modern Ukrainian literary language as a resource in the context of learning a foreign language and its use in public communication. The functional and stylistic features of the literary language as a resource of Ukrainian public communication are studied. Common and distinctive features, typical / invariant forms of language for the implementation of professional communication tasks in Ukrainian and foreign language communicative discourse are determined.
Recommended or required reading and other learning resources/tools
1. Бацевич Ф.С. Основи комунікативної лінгвістики: Підручник. К.: Видавничий центр “Академія”, 2004. 2. Єрмоленко С.Я. Нариси з української словесності: стилістика та культура мови. К., 1999. 3. Калєтнік А.А. Українська наукова мова : навчальний посібник. К. : Київський університет, 2012. 4. Колоїз Ж. В. Українська наукова мова : [практикум]. Кривий Ріг : КДПУ, 2017. 135 с. 5. Літературна мова у просторі національної культури / Відп. ред. Л.І. Шевченко. К., 2004. 6. Медіалінгвістика : словник термінів і понять / Л.І. Шевченко, Д.В. Дергач, Д.Ю. Сизонов / за ред. Л.І. Шевченко. К. : Київський університет, 2014. 380 с. 7. Селіванова О.О. Основи теорії мовної комунікації : Підручник. Черкаси : Видавництво Чабаненко Ю.А., 2011. 350 с. 8. Шевченко Л.І. Горизонтами модерної лінгвістики / Уклад. Д.В. Дергач, Д.Ю. Сизонов. Київ : ВПЦ "Київський університет", 2014. 317 с. 9. Шинкаренко Т.І. Дипломатичний протокол та етикет. К., 2009.
Planned learning activities and teaching methods
Lectures, practical classes, independent work.
Assessment methods and criteria
Scientific reports, practical tasks (analysis of texts), test (with open questions), final test, credit. Evaluation criteria for each form of control are given in the course program.
Language of instruction


This discipline is taught by the following teachers

Dmytro Valeriyovych Dergach
Department of Stylistics and Language Communication
Educational and Scientific Institute of Philology
Stanislava Volodymyrivna Ovseichyk
Department of Stylistics and Language Communication
Educational and Scientific Institute of Philology