Language Training: Ukrainian Language

Course: Publishing and Media Editing

Structural unit: Educational and Scientific Institute of Journalism

Language Training: Ukrainian Language
061 «Журналістика»
Module type
Обов’язкова дисципліна для ОП
Educational cycle
Year of study when the component is delivered
Semester/trimester when the component is delivered
1 Semester
Number of ECTS credits allocated
Learning outcomes
1.1. Know the criteria of good speech, modern rules of the Ukrainian language; 1.2. Know the lexical-semantic and phraseological differentiation of the language; 1.3. Know the most important dictionaries of the Ukrainian language; 1.4. Comprehensive knowledge of spelling, lexicology, phraseology, grammar, stylistics and punctuation of the Ukrainian language; 2.1. To be able to use language means in accordance with the objective and characteristics of a word or word form; 2.2. To be able to use phraseological units as a means of oral text expression; use the stylistic potential of grammar; 2.3. To be able to use dictionaries of the Ukrainian language; 2.4. Practical application of acquired knowledge while performing complex tasks; 3.1 Communicate in proposed spontaneous situations; 4.1 Independently process the material and present it at practical classes, prepare speeches on the proposed topic; 4.2. Responsibility and independence when performing final assignments.
Form of study
Full-time form
Prerequisites and co-requisites
1. To be able to produce a correct and logical utterance whose intonation pattern meets the content and communication specifics. 2. To be skilled in word and grammar choice while producing utterances and texts.
Course content
The purpose of the course is to deepen the competence of future journalists and other media specialists in the field of the modern Ukrainian language, to form long lasting skills in using modern rules of pronunciation and word usage, variable language means, to express an opinion correctly and competently, to improve the skills of fluent oral communication. It teaches students oral and written communication in compliance with the rules of the modern Ukrainian language in accordance with the communicative purpose, situation, social role and status of the speaker. In the course of study, students learn to find the advantageous means of expressing their opinion and defending it in oral and written communication. The course contributes to the formation and development of such general competence as the ability to communicate in the state language both orally and in writing.
Recommended or required reading and other learning resources/tools
1. Danylʹchuk D. V. Stylistychnyy syntaksys: zbirnyk vprav: praktykum (Elektronne vydannya). Kyiv, 2021. 172 s. ( 2. Marynenko I. O. Leksykolohiya ukrayinsʹkoyi movy: praktykum. Kyiv: VPTS «Kyivsʹkyy universytet», 2017. 159 s. ( 3. Marynenko I. Syntaksys ukrayinsʹkoyi movy (z pravylamy punktuatsiyi): navchalʹnyy posibnyk. Kyiv, 2021. ( 4. Orfoepichnyy slovnyk ukrayinsʹkoyi movy: U 2-kh tt. Kyiv, 2001–2003. 5. Plyushch N., Bondarenko V. Suchasna ukrayinsʹka mova. Orfoepiya: navchalʹnyy posibnyk. Kyiv, 2007. 207 s. 6. Ponomariv O. Ukrayinsʹke slovo dlya vsikh i dlya kozhnoho. Kyiv: Lybidʹ, 2013. 360 s. 7. Shumarova N. P. Sotsiolinhvistyka. Kyiv, 2015. 157 s.
Planned learning activities and teaching methods
Lecture, practical class, independent work, communicative language games, written communicative assignments
Assessment methods and criteria
The course is taught in two semesters and has 4 content modules (parts), 2 modules per semester. Each content module includes lectures, practical classes and independent work of students, which are completed by rating knowledge assessment. Assessment of students' knowledge is carried out in two forms: semester assessment (practical classes, independent work, modular works) and final assessment (credit in the 1st semester and exam in the 2nd semester). Successful completion of the task (practical tasks, independent work, exam) means earning at least 60% of the maximum score. The total score in each semester is 100 points (of which in the 1st semester: semester assessment - a maximum of 80 points, final assessment (credit test) - a maximum of 20 points; in the 2nd semester: semester assessment - a maximum of 60 points, final assessment (exam ) – a maximum of 40 points).
Language of instruction


This discipline is taught by the following teachers

Nataliya Petrivna Shumarova
Department of Language and Stylistics
Educational and Scientific Institute of Journalism
Iryna Olehivna Marynenko
Department of Language and Stylistics
Educational and Scientific Institute of Journalism