
Course: Psychology

Structural unit: Faculty of Psychology

Module type
Вибіркова дисципліна для ОП
Educational cycle
Year of study when the component is delivered
Semester/trimester when the component is delivered
4 Semester
Number of ECTS credits allocated
Learning outcomes
LO5. To develop programs of psychological interventions (training, psychotherapy, counseling, etc.), implement them in individual and group work, evaluate their quality.
Form of study
Full-time form
Prerequisites and co-requisites
1. To know the theoretical foundations of the structure of the psyche, theories, current trends, factors and basic mechanisms of formation of personality, groups and teams; empirical methods and methods of mathematical and statistical data processing. 2. Be able to organize and implement empirical (experimental) research of psychological phenomena in the chosen specialization; perform practical professional duties in the position, workplace, which are offered for practice by the base of practice; 3. To have professional skills, abilities to make independent decisions in certain areas of work (or on specific issues) in real production conditions by performing the functions and tasks of specialization.
Course content
The purpose of the Internship is students' mastery of modern ways of organizing the work of a psychologist, conducting research projects; formation of professional competencies while working in specific organizations that have appropriate conditions for practice. This type of Internship is designed to form professional skills, skills to make independent decisions in certain areas of work (or on specific issues) in real production conditions by performing certain functions and tasks of specialization. The internship is conducted before the master's thesis and is the final link in the practical training of students.
Recommended or required reading and other learning resources/tools
Halyan I.M. Psyxodiahnostyka : navchal"nyj posibnyk. Kyyiv, 2009. 464 s. Dutkevych T.V., Savyc"ka O.V. Praktychna psyxolohiya: vstup do special"nosti. Kyyiv, 2010. 256 s. Koval"chuk V.V., Moyisyeyev L. M. Osnovy naukovyx doslidzhen" : navchal"nyj posibnyk. Kyyiv, 2008. 240 s. Mostova K.K. Social"no-psyxolohichni aspekty pidhotovky studentiv VNZ do praktyky. Kyyiv, 2008. 62 s. Polishhuk S. Psyxolohichni praktyky v systemi pidhotovky praktychnyx psyxolohiv : navchal"no-metodychnyj posibnyk. Kyyiv, 2018. 134 s. Psyxolohu dlya roboty. Diahnostychni metodyky : zbirnyk testiv / uklad.: M.V. Lemak, V.Yu.Petryshhe. Uzhhorod, 2011. 616 s. Pryxod"ko Yu.O. Praktychna psyxolohiya: vvedennya u profesiyu: navchal"nyj posibnyk. Kyyiv, 2010. 232 s.
Planned learning activities and teaching methods
lecture, self-study, consultations, Individual work, report presentation
Assessment methods and criteria
The control is carried out according to the modular rating system. The current grade consists of points for the written Report (up to 20 points from the head of practice from the department of the educational institution) and score from the head of practice (up to 20 points). The final assessment is conducted in the form of a differentiated test and provides for the defence of practice at the department. The maximum number of points that can be obtained by a student is 40 points on a 100-point scale. The minimum examination mark is not be less than 60 points. Conditions of admission to the defense of practice. A student is not admitted to the test if he / she scored less than 40 points during the internship. The defense of the practice takes place at a meeting of the department and is accompanied by the Protocol. Rating scale Відмінно / Excellent 90-100 Добре / Good 75-89 Задовільно / Satisfactory 60-74 Незадовільно / Fail 0-59
Language of instruction


This discipline is taught by the following teachers

Taisa Serhiivna Kyrylenko
Department of General Psychology
Faculty of Psychology


The following departments are involved in teaching the above discipline

Department of General Psychology
Faculty of Psychology