Psychology of traumatic situations

Course: Psychology

Structural unit: Faculty of Psychology

Psychology of traumatic situations
Module type
Вибіркова дисципліна для ОП
Educational cycle
Year of study when the component is delivered
Semester/trimester when the component is delivered
6 Semester
Number of ECTS credits allocated
Learning outcomes
LO1. To analyze and interpret mental phenomena, identify psychological problems and suggest ways to resolve them. LO2. To understand patterns and tendencies of the development and functioning of mental phenomena in the professional tasks’ context. LO4. To elaborate one's professional position, to make independent conclusions based on the results of own research and analysis of publications. LO15. To demonstrate a responsible attitude towards professional self-improvement, learning and self-development. LO18. To care about own and others' mental health and, if necessary, call about supervisory.
Form of study
External form
Prerequisites and co-requisites
- knowledge of basic methodological principles of studying psychological phenomena, basic psychological categories: personality, experience, activity; - possession of material from the works of leading psychologists on this topic, psychology of emotions, neuropsychology, personality psychology, stress; - be able to use methodological techniques to study traumatic experiences to help the individual, the stages of their experience, coping strategies.
Course content
The purpose of the discipline is to get acquainted with the content of the basic concepts of psychological trauma of the individual, specific manifestations of experiencing different types of traumatic situations of the individual and effective use of psychological knowledge to help the individual in life traumatic situations. This discipline belongs to the selective block of disciplines. Theoretical and methodological approaches to the experience of traumatic situations, methods of analysis of traumatic experiences, features of phases and states of experience, overcoming critical situations and life crises of the individual in conditions of loss, unemployment, loneliness. Basic concepts: trauma, mental trauma, traumatic situation, post - traumatic stress, secondary trauma. Typology of traumatic situations (crisis, extreme situations, catastrophes, conflicts, terror). Psychological reactions to traumatic situations. Experiencing loss. Methods of studying traumatic situations.
Recommended or required reading and other learning resources/tools
1. Hrydkovets L.M. Svit zhyttievykh kryz liudyny. L.; 2016. – 516s. [in Ukrainian] 2. Ivanenko B.B. Psykholohichna travma ta yii vplyv na formuvannia samodestruktyvnoi povedinky osobystosti. //Naukovyi visnyk Natsionalnoho universytetu bioresursiv i pryrodokorystuvannia Ukrainy. – Seriia «Pedahohika, psykholohiia, filosofiia». – № 239. – Kyiv, 2016. – S. 95-100. [in Ukrainian] 3. Kyrylenko T.S. Psykholohiia travmuiuchykh sytuatsii. – K.,– 2015. –160 s. [in Ukrainian] 5. Tytarenko T.M. Psykholohiia zhyttievoi kryzy. – K., 1998. – 348 s. [in Ukrainian]
Planned learning activities and teaching methods
lecture, seminar, Individual work, test, analytical report, discussions, implementation of a diagnostic workshop, presentation of a practical task
Assessment methods and criteria
1. Oral answers (speech at the seminar, participation in discussions and debates, additions): - 34/20 points; 2. Analytical report: 34/20 points 3. Creative work on diagnostic workshop: 32/20 points The maximum number of points for work during the semester is 100 points. Final assessment in the form of a test: the test is based on the results of the student's work during the semester (maximum number of points 100 points) and does not provide additional assessment activities for successful students. Students who scored a total of less than 60 points during the semester, but more than the critical-minimum minimum - 40 points are credited. Students who scored less than the critical-calculated minimum of 40 points during the semester are not admitted to the test. The recommended minimum for admission to the test - 40 points. Rating scale Відмінно / Excellent 90-100 Добре / Good 75-89 Задовільно / Satisfactory 60-74 Незадовільно / Fail 0-59
Language of instruction


This discipline is taught by the following teachers

Taisa Serhiivna Kyrylenko
Department of General Psychology
Faculty of Psychology


The following departments are involved in teaching the above discipline

Department of General Psychology
Faculty of Psychology