Ukraine and the East: historical ties

Course: Turkish language and literature and translation, English

Structural unit: Educational and Scientific Institute of Philology

Ukraine and the East: historical ties
Module type
Обов’язкова дисципліна для ОП
Educational cycle
Year of study when the component is delivered
Semester/trimester when the component is delivered
1 Semester
Number of ECTS credits allocated
Learning outcomes
PLO 2. Work effectively with information: select the necessary information from various sources, including professional literature and electronic databases, critically analyze and interpret it, organize, classify and systematize it. PLO 4. Understand the fundamental principles of human existence, nature, society. PLO 5. To cooperate with colleagues, representatives of other cultures and religions, supporters of different political views, etc.
Form of study
Full-time form
Prerequisites and co-requisites
1. Know the main historical figures and major events in the history of Ukraine. 2. Be able to determine the results and consequences of the most important events in the history of Ukraine. 3. Possess basic skills of working with educational literature.
Course content
Familiarize yourself with the historiography and scientific results of research schools that have studied the historical ties between Ukraine and the East. To determine the place of Ukraine in events and phenomena related to the East. Revealing the "Ukrainian policy" of the countries of the East. Coverage of Ukraine's "Eastern policy" (Middle East, Caucasus, etc.). Identification of the reasons and main actors that contributed to or, on the contrary, hindered the development of Ukraine's relations with the countries of the East. Identify the role of the world's leading countries in Ukraine's relations with the East. Determine the importance of foreign trade in bilateral cooperation between Ukraine and the Eastern countries. Knowledge of humanitarian cooperation between Ukraine and the countries of the East as an important means of shaping the "image" of Ukraine in the East and the "image" of the East in Ukraine.
Recommended or required reading and other learning resources/tools
1. Aziiskyi napriam zovnishnoi polityky Ukrainy: problemy i perspektyvy. Analitychni otsinky: monohr. / Za red. V. O. Shveda. K., 2008. 2. Baliun O. O. Stanovlennia ta rozvytok politychnykh i ekonomichnykh vidnosyn mizh Ukrainoiu ta Derzhavoiu Izrail v 90-kh rokakh XX stolittia: avtoref. … kand. ist. nauk: 07.00.02 / Kyivskyi natsionalnyi universytet imeni Tarasa Shevchenka. K., 2002. 3. Dyplomatychni vidnosyny Ukrainy z krainamy svitu: zb. nauk. pr. K., 2012. 4. Kochubei Yu. Heopolitychne znachennia rehionu Blyzkoho i Serednoho Skhodu v konteksti natsionalnykh interesiv Ukrainy // Naukovyi visnyk Dyplomatychnoi akademii Ukrainy. K., 2003. Vyp. 8. S. 270-278. 5. Menh Khin. Ukrainsko-kytaiski vidnosyny naprykintsi XX – na pochatku XXI stolittia: avtoref. … kand.. ist. nauk: 07.00.02 / Kyivskyi natsionalnyi universytet imeni Tarasa Shevchenka. K., 2005. 6. Priorytety polityky Ukrainy shchodo krain Azii: analitychna dopovid / Za zah. red. O. V. Lytvynenka. K., 2011.
Planned learning activities and teaching methods
Lectures, seminars, and independent work.
Assessment methods and criteria
Oral answer, essay, module test, exam.
Language of instruction


This discipline is taught by the following teachers

Oleh Romanovych Kupchyk
Department of Modern and Contemporary History of Foreign Countries
Faculty of History


The following departments are involved in teaching the above discipline

Department of Modern and Contemporary History of Foreign Countries
Faculty of History