Nature and Society in Prehistoric Europe

Course: Archaeology

Structural unit: Faculty of History

Nature and Society in Prehistoric Europe
Module type
Обов’язкова дисципліна для ОП
Educational cycle
Year of study when the component is delivered
Semester/trimester when the component is delivered
1 Semester
Number of ECTS credits allocated
Learning outcomes
To know the paleoclimatic periodization of Europe during the Pleistocene - the beginning of the Holocene. To know modern methodological approaches and basic principles of archaeological and paleoecological research. To know the main settlements of the most ancient hominids and primitive people on the territory of Europe, types of stone industries. To know the main stages of the formation of a modern anthropological type of man and the main concepts of the settlement of Europe. Know the chronology of the spread of ancient cultures with a reproductive economy in Europe, landmarks. To be able to navigate in English-language literature on current problems of archeology and paleoclimatology. To be able to systematize, classify, analyze and use paleobotanical, archaeozoological and paleogeographical sources. To prove the importance of applying ecological approaches in the study of archaeological phenomena.
Form of study
Prerequisites and co-requisites
Know: special archaeological terminology, the categorical and conceptual apparatus of archeology and prehistory, the basics of archaeological and paleoecological research and work with sources. Be able to: implement scientific research skills in practice. Possess skills: organization of scientific research, criticism of sources, comparative analysis, establishment of cause and effect relationships.
Course content
The content of the course is divided into 2 content modules. Each content module includes lectures, seminars, independent work of students, which are completed by rating control of the level of assimilation of knowledge of the program material of the corresponding part of the course. Content module 1 (СМ1) includes topics 1 - 5, content module 2 (СМ2) - topics 6 - 10.
Recommended or required reading and other learning resources/tools
1. Binford, L.R. 1983. In Pursuit of the Past. Decoding the Archaeological Record. N.Y.: Thames and Hudson, 2. Clarke, G.D. 1957. Archaeology and Society. Reconstructing the Prehistoric Past. Cambridge.: Harvard University Press, 3. Daniel, G. 1963. The Idea of Prehistory. The World Publishing Co., Cl. and NY. 4. Demay, L., Vasyliev, P.M., Koulakovska, L.V., Stupak, D.V., Shydlovskyi, P.S., Belyaeva, V.I. (2020). Palaeolithic Human Societies during the Upper Pleniglacial through their relations with other animals in Ukrainian archaeological sites. Archaeology and Early History of Ukraine, 37(4), 82-93. 5. Gladkikh, M., Shydlovskyi, P., Ryzhov, S. (eds.). 2021. Dwellings of Prehistoric Europe: social adaptations in variable environments. VITA ANTIQUA 13. . 6. Preoteasa, C., Nicola, C-D. (eds.). 2014. L'Impact Anthropique sur L'EnvironnementDurant le Neo-Eneolithique du Sud-Est de L 'Europe. Piatra-Neamt
Planned learning activities and teaching methods
Planned educational activities and teaching methods: - a lecture - seminar classes - independent work - test - oral interview - essay
Assessment methods and criteria
Контроль знань студента здійснюється за модульно-рейтинговою системою. Загальну кількість балів студента формують семестрові бали, отримані з усіх тем двох змістових модулів (бали, отримані за модульні контрольні роботи (у формі тестування); бали, отримані за виконання індивідуальних завдань; бали, отримані за роботу на семінарських заняттях, а також бали, які отримані за підсумкову контрольну роботу. Результати навчальної діяльності студентів оцінюються за 100-бальною шкалою. Критеріями оцінювання є: • повнота розкриття питання; • логіка викладення; • використання основної і додаткової літератури; • аналітичні міркування, вміння робити висновки.
Language of instruction


This discipline is taught by the following teachers

Pavlo Serhiyiovych Shydlovskyi
Department of Archeology and Museology
Faculty of History


The following departments are involved in teaching the above discipline

Department of Archeology and Museology
Faculty of History