Structure of functional duties and competencies specialist of social work in business organizations

Course: Social Work

Structural unit: Faculty of Psychology

Structure of functional duties and competencies specialist of social work in business organizations
Module type
Вибіркова дисципліна для ОП
Educational cycle
Year of study when the component is delivered
Semester/trimester when the component is delivered
3 Semester
Number of ECTS credits allocated
Learning outcomes
LO 1. Solve complex tasks and problems that require updating and integrating knowledge in conditions of incomplete/insufficient information and conflicting requirements. LO 4. Show deep knowledge and systematic understanding of theoretical concepts, both from the field of Social Work and from other branches of socio-humanitarian Sciences. LO 6. Independently and autonomously find information necessary for professional growth, master it, assimilate and produce new knowledge, develop professional skills and qualities. LO 9. Perform reflexive practices in the context of the values of social work, responsibility, including to prevent professional burnout. LO 10. Analyze the social and individual context of the problems of the individual, family, social group, community, formulate the goals and objectives of social work, plan interventions in difficult and unpredictable circumstances in accordance with the values of social work.
Form of study
Prerequisites and co-requisites
1. Know the basic concepts and categorical apparatus of the disciplines "Fundamentals of management in a socially oriented organization", "Professional and corporate ethics", "Social security and social insurance", "Institutionalization of social organizations"; technologies of social work in the field of employment; forms and methods of social work in social organizations; ethical principles of social work. 2. To be able to analyze the social and socio-psychological factors of the formation of the organizational culture of business organizations; provide initial psychosocial support in working with personnel; correctly apply methods of social work in the field of employment; apply the acquired knowledge in the practical field. 3. Have skills in personnel management.
Course content
The purpose of the discipline is the formation of competences in the field of organizing the activities of a social work specialist in a business organization, in solving practical tasks in the field of personnel management in the organization, the development of his professional formation and career building, the creation of social projects at the enterprise based on the implementation of the values of social responsibility of business and social responsibility of the individual, establishing relations with self-government bodies of various levels to ensure the implementation of effective policies in the field of social security and social assistance of the city, region, and country.
Recommended or required reading and other learning resources/tools
1. Grishhuk V.K. Socіal'na vіdpovіdal'nіst': Navchal'nij posіbnik. L'vіv, L'vіvs'kij unіversitet vnutrіshnіh sprav, 2012.152 s. 2. Petrashko L.P. Korporativna vіdpovіdal'nіst': kros-kul'turnі modelі ta bіznes-praktiki. Kiїv, KNEU, 2013. 372 s. 3. Psihologіchnі determіnanti rozvitku organіzacіjnoї kul'turi : monografіja [Elektronnij resurs] / L.M. Karamushka, O.V. Kredencer, K.V. Tereshhenko [ta іn.] ; za red. L.M. Karamushki. Kiїv, Pedagogіchna dumka, 2015. 288 s. URL: 4. Karamushka L.M. Psihologіja vіddanostі personalu organіzacії (na materіalі dіjal'nostі bankіvs'kih struktur): monografіja / L.M. Karamushka, І.A. Andrєєva. – Kiїv-L'vіv, Galic'kij drukar, 2012. 212 s. 5. Tehnologіja formuvannja komand v organіzacіjah: navch.posіb. / [Karamushka L.M., Romanovskij O.G., Fіl' O.A. ta іn.]. Harkіv: NTU «HPІ», 2011. 184 s.
Planned learning activities and teaching methods
Lecture; seminar; educational, creative reproductive task (presentation, report), project.
Assessment methods and criteria
writing test, practical tasks, presentations, reports, project Form of final control - exam. The maximum number of points per semester is 60 points. The writing test. The minimum number of points for sitting the examination is 36 points. Organization of evaluation: Evaluation is carried out during the semester for all types of work. The maximum number of points for work during a semester is 60. The test is estimated at a maximum of 40 points. Students who scored during the semester lower points than the critical-calculated minimum - 36 points are not allowed to take the exam. The recommended minimum for admission to the test is 40 points. Rating scale: 0-59 - unsatisfactorily; 60-64 - satisfactory, E; 65-74 – satisfactory, D; 75-84 – good, С; 85-89 - good, В; 90-100 - excellent, A.
Language of instruction


This discipline is taught by the following teachers

Lyudmyla Andriivna Lytva
Department of Social Work
Faculty of Psychology


The following departments are involved in teaching the above discipline

Department of Social Work
Faculty of Psychology