Training of social and psychological competence

Course: Psychology

Structural unit: Faculty of Psychology

Training of social and psychological competence
Module type
Вибіркова дисципліна для ОП
Educational cycle
Year of study when the component is delivered
Semester/trimester when the component is delivered
8 Semester
Number of ECTS credits allocated
Learning outcomes
Form of study
Prerequisites and co-requisites
1) successful mastery of the disciplines "General Psychology", "Social Psychology", "Psychology of Communication", "Psychology of Individual Differences"; 2) knowledge of theoretical foundations of individual, group psychology, communication psychology, and learning psychology; 3) possession of basic skills of self-regulation of emotional state, interviewing, personality diagnostics, teaching children and adults.
Course content
The purpose of the discipline is to teach students the basic concepts, principles of designing and conducting psychological trainings for the development of social and psychological competence, as well as mastering the skills of applying training technologies in practice. The discipline is devoted to the study of theoretical and methodological principles of conducting psychological trainings for the development of social and psychological competence. The course program involves consideration of conceptual methodological issues for the effective development of important social and psychological skills aimed at: personal growth, management of own resources, quality communication, stress resistance.
Recommended or required reading and other learning resources/tools
1. Zelenyn V. Kouchynh statusa: socyal"nыj lyft. Uchebnoe posobye. Kyev. 2019. 576 s. 2. Kuzikova S.B. Teoriya i praktyka vikovoyi psyxokorekciyi: Navch.posibnyk. — Sumy: VTD «Universytets"ka knyha», 2006. - 384s. 3. Moroz L.I. Osnovy psyxolohichnoho treninhu. - K.: PALYVODA, 2004. - 254 s 4. Milyutina K.L., Trofimov A.Yu. Psyxolohiya suchasnoho biznesu : navch. posib. Kyyiv : Vydavnyctvo Lira-K, 2019. 168 s. 5. Romanova S. M. Kouchinh yak nova texnolohiya v profesijnij osviti. Kyyiv. Visnyk Nac. aviac. un-tu. Seriya : Pedahohika. Psyxolohiya. - 2010. - Vyp. 3. - S. 83-86. 6. Savchenko H.V. Navchal"no-metodychnyj posibnyk z orhanizaciyi ta provedennya treninhu: «Profesijno-psyxolohichna pidhotovka suddiv» - Kyyiv: TOV «Horyzont», 2016. - 104 s. 7. Texnolohiyi roboty orhanizacijnyx psyxolohiv: Navch. posib. dlya studentiv vyshh. navch. zakl. ta sluxachiv in-tiv pislyadyplom. osvity / Za nauk. red. L. M. Karamushky. - K.: Firma «INKOS», 2005. - 366 s.
Planned learning activities and teaching methods
lectures, seminars, creative works, reports, individual work.
Assessment methods and criteria
Presentation, oral response "5" x 3 = 15 "10" x 3 = 30 Individual work "10" x 3 = 30 "15" x 3 = 45 Implementation of a creative project "15" x 1 = 15 "24" x 1 = 20 The discipline ends - Credit Final evaluation: the sum of points obtained as a result of the preparation and defense of creative projects is the grade for intermediate control. Passed 60-100 Fail 0-59
Language of instruction


This discipline is taught by the following teachers

Vitaliy Leonidovych Pankovets
Department of Social Psychology
Faculty of Psychology


The following departments are involved in teaching the above discipline

Department of Social Psychology
Faculty of Psychology