Technologies for creating the organization's social package

Course: Social Work

Structural unit: Faculty of Psychology

Technologies for creating the organization's social package
Module type
Вибіркова дисципліна для ОП
Educational cycle
Year of study when the component is delivered
Semester/trimester when the component is delivered
3 Semester
Number of ECTS credits allocated
Learning outcomes
PLO 1., PLO 2., PLO 4., PLO 5., PLO 8., PLO 9., PLO 10., PLO 13., PLO 15., PLO 17., PLO 20 The full list of Program learning outcomes is given in the section «Program profile»
Form of study
Prerequisites and co-requisites
To know: theoretical and methodological principles of the areas of social work in the field of employment, in particular employment in organizations, institutions and enterprises; peculiarities of the nature of social processes and phenomena arising on the labor market, ways of ensuring successful and effective social support and increasing labor efficiency in organizations in modern conditions of social production. To be able to: determine the optimal strategies and technologies for the formation of a social package for organizations of different forms of ownership and different areas of social production activity; demonstrate the main forms and methods of creating and ensuring the implementation of a social package in the organization; apply acquired competences in future professional activities.
Course content
The goal is to give a systematic and consistent presentation of modern theoretical, methodological and technological achievements of the practice of creating and implementing a social package in organizations.
Recommended or required reading and other learning resources/tools
Agramakova N. V. Tehnologіja formuvannja ta vprovadzhennja kompensacіjnogo paketu jak bazis formuvannja socіal'no vіdpovіdal'nogo pіdpriєmstva / N. V. Agramakova, І. V. Litovchenko // Naukovij vіsnik hersons'kogo derzhavnogo unіversitetu. Serіja: Ekonomіchnі nauki. Vipusk 17. Ch. 2. 2016. S. 123-126. [in Ukrainian] Barinova M. A. Pensіjne zabezpechennja: novі pіdhodi // M. A. Barinova / Ljudina і pracja. 2017. # 11. S.54. [in Ukrainian] Grinenko A. M. Socіal'nij paket jak іnstrument motivacії ta socіal'noї zahishhenostі pracіvnikіv pіdpriєmstva // Problemi racіonal'nogo vikoristannja socіal'no-ekonomіchnogo ta prirodno-resursnogo potencіalu regіonu: fіnansova polіtika ta іnvesticії. Zbіrnik naukovih prac': Vipusk XVI, # 4. Kiїv, 2017. S. 252-262. [in Ukrainian] Zarіchkova M.V. Vprovadzhennja socіal'nogo paketu v zakladi Ukraїni: viznachennja ta porjadok oblіku [Elektronnij resurs] / M.V. Zarіchkova. – Rezhim dostupu: [in Ukrainian]
Planned learning activities and teaching methods
Lecture; seminar; educational, creative reproductive task (presentation, report, essay), project.
Assessment methods and criteria
Verbal answers, practical tasks, presentations, reports, essay, project The maximum number of points per semester is 80 points. The form of the test is verbal in accordance with the submitted projects, presentations, reports. The minimum number of points for sitting the examination is 36 points. The number of points scored throughout semester is announcing in advance.
Language of instruction


This discipline is taught by the following teachers

Lyudmyla Andriivna Lytva
Department of Social Work
Faculty of Psychology


The following departments are involved in teaching the above discipline

Department of Social Work
Faculty of Psychology