Management competence training

Course: Social Rehabilitation

Structural unit: Faculty of Psychology

Management competence training
ВБ 1.4.
Module type
Вибіркова дисципліна для ОП
Educational cycle
Year of study when the component is delivered
Semester/trimester when the component is delivered
3 Semester
Number of ECTS credits allocated
Learning outcomes
LO 8. Independently make decisions in difficult and unpredictable situations. LO 9. Perform reflexive practices in the context of the values of social work, responsibility, including to prevent professional burnout. LO 14. Determine the methodology of Applied Scientific Research and apply methods of quantitative and qualitative analysis of results, including methods of Mathematical Statistics. LO 17. Independently build and maintain purposeful, professional relationships with a wide range of people, representatives of various communities and organizations, argue, persuade, conduct constructive negotiations, effective conversations, discussions, and tolerate alternative opinions.
Form of study
Prerequisites and co-requisites
The student must know: basic principles of management. The student must be able to form the socio-psychological climate in the organization. The student must have basic skills: basic skills for effective conflict resolution.
Course content
The purpose of the discipline - students should master the knowledge of the content of management activities and social and psychological aspects of management in the organization. The discipline contains two content modules. The first module "Social and psychological aspects of management" reveals the structure and moral and psychological principles of managerial activity. The second module "Social Psychology of Organizations and Management" introduces students to the peculiarities of organizational culture, the socio-psychological climate of the organization and the social position of the individual in the organization.
Recommended or required reading and other learning resources/tools
1. Zhurakivska L.M. Treninh-kurs formuvannia upravlinskoi kompetentnosti yak zasib osobystisnoho rozvytku maibutnikh pedahohiv profesiinoho navchannia, 2018. ‒ S. 53‒60. 2. Prohnoz byznes-kompetentsyy – 2020 [Эlektronnыi resurs] URL: 3. Psykholohiia upravlinnia: kurs lektsii dlia studentiv dennoi i zaochnoi form navchannia napriamu pidhotovky 6.030103 «Praktychna psykholohiia» / ukladach O.S. Yurkov. – Mukachevo: MDU, 2017. ‒179 s. 4. Syvohrakova Z. A., Alieksieienko N. V. Psykholohiia konfliktiv. Sotsialnopsykholohichnyi vymir upravlinnia konfliktamy: Konspekt lektsii. – Kharkiv: UkrDUZT, 2020. – 52 s. 5. Chuiko O.V. Upravlinski zasady stvorennia seredovyshcha osobystisno-profesiinoho rozvytku na kafedri// Naukovyi zhurnal «Orhanizatsiina psykholohiia. Ekonomichna psykholohiia».‒ K., 2017 №1(8)- S.84‒91.
Planned learning activities and teaching methods
Lecture, seminar, tasks for individual student work, preparation of presentations, analytical materials, reports on solving practical problems.
Assessment methods and criteria
It is mandatory to receive the test is to perform modular control work and get at least 60 points in total. For students who have scored a sum of fewer points than the critical calculation minimum of 36 points - modular control works, practical works and tasks for independent work must be performed for admission to the qualification. Excellent 90-100 points. Good 75-89 points. Satisfactory 60-74 points. Fail 0-59 points. Passed 60-100 points. Fail 0-59 points.
Language of instruction


This discipline is taught by the following teachers

Yuliia Mykhailivna Krasilova
Department of Social Rehabilitation and Social Pedagogy
Faculty of Psychology


The following departments are involved in teaching the above discipline

Department of Social Rehabilitation and Social Pedagogy
Faculty of Psychology