Social rehabilitation of the affected family

Course: Social Rehabilitation

Structural unit: Faculty of Psychology

Social rehabilitation of the affected family
ВБ 2.5.
Module type
Вибіркова дисципліна для ОП
Educational cycle
Year of study when the component is delivered
Semester/trimester when the component is delivered
3 Semester
Number of ECTS credits allocated
Learning outcomes
LO 1; LO 2; LO 3; LO 4; LO 10; LO 21; The full list of Programme learning outcomes is given in the section " Programme Profile".
Form of study
Prerequisites and co-requisites
A mandatory requirement for studying the course is to have knowledge of personality psychology, age psychology, and the psychology of deviant behavior. It is also desirable that students have basic knowledge of pathopsychology, Narcology, and medical psychology.
Course content
The purpose of the discipline – – students should master knowledge about the forms of manifestations, causes, consequences of negative influences on family relations and ways to overcome them. Abstract of the academic discipline The impact of external negative factors on family relations is ambiguous. Traumatic events can bring a family together, or they can lead to devastating consequences. Families affected by military operations, natural or man-made disasters, socio-economic transformations, etc.mostly need the help of social services. The discipline" social rehabilitation of the affected family " is designed to expand the subject field of professional activity of a specialist through the formation of psychological skills and competencies that will allow us to determine the system-forming factors of family exclusivity and find the means, forms and methods of its rehabilitation.
Recommended or required reading and other learning resources/tools
1. Dub Vіra. Reabіlіtacіjna psihologіya: metodichnі materіali semіnars'kih zanyat' [dlya studentіv VNZ] / Vіra Dub. – Drogobich : Redakcіjno-vidavnichij vіddіl Drogobic'kogo Derzhavnogo pedagogіchnogo unіversitetu іmenі Іvana Franka, 2017 – 92 s. 2. Maksimova N. YU. Psihologіchna korekcіya osobistostі dіtej, yakі zaznali nasil'stva v sіm'ї: Navchal'no-metodichnij posіbnik// Maksimenko S.D., Boltіvec' S.І., Maksimova N.YU., Gubko O.V., ta іn../ Za red.. Maksimovoї N.YU. – K.: Vid-vo: Mіlenіum, 2011. – 250 s. 3. Blended family advantages-disadvantages. [tiešsaiste]. Pieejams: Dittman, C.K., Farruggia, S.P., Keown, L.J., & Sanders, M.R. (2016). Dealing with Disobedience: An Evaluation of a Brief Parenting Intervention for Young Children Showing Noncompliant Behavior Problems. Child Psychiatry and Human Development 47(1), 102-112
Planned learning activities and teaching methods
lecture, seminar session, practical lesson, survey.
Assessment methods and criteria
Assessment forms: the level of achievement of all planned learning outcomes is determined by the results of writing written test papers. Organization of evaluation. The course has 2 content parts. Classes are held in the form of lectures, seminars, training is provided when conducting practical classes, the discipline ends with a test. The condition for obtaining a positive final assessment in the discipline is to achieve at least 60% of the maximum possible number of points. Відмінно / Excellent 90-100 Добре / Good 75-89 Задовільно / Satisfactory 60-74 Незадовільно / Fail 0-59 Зараховано / Passed 60-100 Не зараховано / Fail 0-59
Language of instruction


This discipline is taught by the following teachers

Nataliia Yuriivna Maksymova
Department of Social Rehabilitation and Social Pedagogy
Faculty of Psychology


The following departments are involved in teaching the above discipline

Department of Social Rehabilitation and Social Pedagogy
Faculty of Psychology