
Course: Social Rehabilitation

Structural unit: Faculty of Psychology

ОК 9
Module type
Обов’язкова дисципліна для ОП
Educational cycle
Year of study when the component is delivered
Semester/trimester when the component is delivered
4 Semester
Number of ECTS credits allocated
Learning outcomes
PLO1, PLO2, PLO4, PLO5, PLO6, PLO8, PLO9, PLO10, PLO13, PLO14, PLO15, PLO18, PLO19, PLO20. The full list of Programme learning outcomes is given in the section "Programme Profile".  
Form of study
Prerequisites and co-requisites
Successful mastering of theoretical knowledge in professional disciplines studied in the previous three semesters of the master's program. The student must: Know the basics of research methodology, research methods in social work. Be able to carry out the theoretical analysis of problems of social work, to substantiate the urgency of scientific research. Have the skills of public communication, activity planning, performance evaluation, building professional interaction.
Course content
The purpose of the practice is deepening and consolidation of theoretical knowledge gained in the study of the master's program, improving skills of theoretical analysis of social work problems, improving skills of developing research methodology, planning skills, and conducting empirical research on social work using a variety of quantitative and qualitative research methods, that allows to obtaining evidence-based data, as well as the formation of skills of analysis and generalization of the results of empirical research. The practice is conducted before the writing of the master’s thesis and it is the final link of practical training in this educational program.
Recommended or required reading and other learning resources/tools
Metodolohiia ta orhanizatsiia naukovykh doslidzhen : navch. posib. / za red. I.S.Dobronravovoi, O.V.Rudenko. Kyiv : VPTs "Kyivskyi universytet", 2018. 607 s. Metodychni rekomendatsii z orhanizatsii ta provedennia praktyky dlia studentiv napriamu pidhotovky 231 «Sotsialna robota», za osvitnimy prohramamy «Sotsialna pedahohika», «Sotsialna reabilitatsiia». Navch.o-metod. rozrobka / Uklad. O.V.Chuiko, O.O.Baidarova, M.O.Vasylieva-Khalatnikova ta in. Kyiv: Lohos, 2017. 48 s. Sobochan A. M., Bertotti T., Strom-Hotfrid K. Etychni mirkuvannia u doslidzhenniakh iz sotsialnoi roboty // Visnyk Akademii pratsi, sotsialnykh vidnosyn i turyzmu. №1. 2018. S. 86-101. The handbook of social work research methods / ed. by Bruce A. Thyer. Sage Publications, Inc. International Educational and Professional Publisher. Thousand Oaks; London; New Delhi, 2000. 546 р.
Planned learning activities and teaching methods
Each student goes through three stages of practice: 1) preparatory: development and defense of the student's research proposal, participation in the founding conference; 2) main: approval of individual practice plans, field research, processing and analysis of research data; 3) final: preparation of reporting documents and defense of practice results at the final conference.
Assessment methods and criteria
Semester assessment (maximum – 60 scores, minimum – 36 scores): - Evaluation of the head from the base of practice (characteristics of the student – 20 scores) - Evaluation of the supervisor of the department (compliance with the order of practice and report preparation) – 40 scores Final assessment – differentiated test (maximum – 40 scores, minimum – 24 scores): - Evaluation of the supervisor of the department (the quality of the Individual student's report on the internship) – 20 scores - Defense of practice results at the final conference (use of presentation and handouts for the report) – 10 scores - Defense of practice results at the final conference (relevance, clarity and completeness of answers to questions) – 10 scores
Language of instruction


This discipline is taught by the following teachers

Olha Olehivna Baidarova
Department of Social Rehabilitation and Social Pedagogy
Faculty of Psychology


The following departments are involved in teaching the above discipline

Department of Social Rehabilitation and Social Pedagogy
Faculty of Psychology