Scientific seminar on specialization

Course: Cultural Studies

Structural unit: Faculty of Philosophy

Scientific seminar on specialization
ВБ 1.5
Module type
Вибіркова дисципліна для ОП
Educational cycle
Year of study when the component is delivered
Semester/trimester when the component is delivered
3 Semester
Number of ECTS credits allocated
Learning outcomes
1. to understand the specifics and features of the implementation of cultural ideas, images, and meanings, as well as to critically evaluate the possibilities of their interpretation to solve important problems for a society. 2. to analyze textual and visual sources of information about cultural phenomena and processes; to verify information according to professional objectives. 6. to communicate fluently in official and foreign languages orally and in writing to discuss professional issues, presentation of research results and projects. 7. to evaluate historical achievements and the latest achievements in cultural studies. 9. to organize and manage the activities of cultural institutions and appropriate departments of enterprises and institutions. 10. to have decision making skills in management of cultural institutions or appropriate departments in unforeseen work and / or learning contexts. 11-13
Form of study
Full-time form
Prerequisites and co-requisites
1. Before starting this course, students should know the main stages and characteristics of the historical and cultural process; main cultural theories and methods of cultural studies; basic cultural concepts and categories; the specifics of domestic and foreign culture; basic principles of management of socio-cultural activities; peculiarities of functioning of domestic cultural institutions; 2. Be able to select information and analyze it in relation to cultural phenomena and phenomena, cultural processes and events; apply the main terms, categories and classifications of cultural studies in the analysis of socio-cultural phenomena and processes; develop own cultural and art projects; organize and conduct cultural and educational events, public lectures and workshops; analyze and evaluate works of art from the standpoint of their cultural and aesthetic value, determine their style, genre, general technical characteristics, historical period of creation;
Course content
"Scientific seminar on specialization" belongs to the list of optional disciplines. The skills of performing expert-analytical activities in the field of culture are formed. New types of expert-analytical activity are considered, the peculiarities of cultural analytics in the processes of social control and management are determined. The educational discipline introduces students to socio-economic and organizational issues of cultural development; methodical aspects of calculating performance indicators of enterprises in the field of culture; objects and organizational stages of planning and conducting business activities of enterprises in the field of culture. The main methods of development and implementation of cultural projects within the working collective are considered, taking into account the social, economic, legal, aesthetic and ethical parameters of their implementation.
Recommended or required reading and other learning resources/tools
Landry C. The creative city: a toolkit for urban innovators / C. Landry. ‒ UK: Comedia, 2000. – 302 p. Miller S. Social institutions The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy (Winter 2013 Edition), Edward N. Zalta (ed.). Scott A. The cultural economy of cities / A. Scott // International journal of urban and regional research, Volume 21, Issue 2. – 1997. – P. 323‒329. Zhyvohliadova I. V. Research perspectives of the cultural expertise in the context of formation of the urban cultural space // "Українські культурологічні студії". Випуск №1(6) 2020. P.59-62.
Planned learning activities and teaching methods
Practical training, self-study
Assessment methods and criteria
1. Practical classes (oral answer, participation in discussions): 24/40 points 2. Practical classes (internship at an enterprise in the field of culture): 12 / 20 points 3. Self-study No. 1: "Conducting and design of research by students in the form of an analytical note (on a cultural issue of the student's choice)": 6 / 10 points. 4.Self-study No. 2 "Analysis of the activity of modern enterprises": 6 / 10 points. The overall grade for the semester consists of points received for classroom work (oral presentations, additions and participation in class discussions) and for independent work. All types of work for the semester have as a result: - in the maximum dimension of 80 points - a minimum of 48 points Final control work in written form - 12 / 20 points
Language of instruction


This discipline is taught by the following teachers

Valentyna Ivanivna Panchenko
Department of Ethics, Aesthetics and Cultural Studies
Faculty of Philosophy
Svitlana Petrivna Stoian
Department of Ethics, Aesthetics and Cultural Studies
Faculty of Philosophy