Prenatal psychology & psychology of parenting

Course: Psychology

Structural unit: Faculty of Psychology

Prenatal psychology & psychology of parenting
Module type
Вибіркова дисципліна для ОП
Educational cycle
Year of study when the component is delivered
Semester/trimester when the component is delivered
3 Semester
Number of ECTS credits allocated
Learning outcomes
LO4. To make a psychological prognosis for the development of personality, groups, organizations. LO5. To develop programs of psychological interventions (training, psychotherapy, counseling, etc.), implement them in individual and group work, evaluate their quality.
Form of study
Prerequisites and co-requisites
1. Know the theoretical foundations of general and developmental psychology, psychological patterns and tasks of personality development at different stages of ontogenesis; trends of modern psychotherapy. 2. Be able to select, correctly apply, analyze and interpret tests and questionnaries, be able to use basic evidence-based techniques of counseling and psychotherapy 3. To have basic skills of conducting a consultative interview, to have basic skills of organizing and conducting training activities
Course content
The purpose of the discipline is to give students theoretical knowledge and practical skills and technologies in the field of prenatal psychology. Prenatal psychology is a modern field of psychological science and practice that studies the changes that occur in the family system in connection with the birth of a child, the biopsychosocial aspects of the experience of women and men during the transition to fatherhood. The course deals with the study of mental development in the prenatal period, psychological and psychopathological aspects of pregnancy and the postpartum period, including changes in the emotional and cognitive sphere of women, changes in partnerships. Particular attention is paid to modern methods of psychological support of family and individual clients during the transition to parenthood (pregnancy, childbirth and the postpartum period, in a situation of perinatal loss). Students also study the theoretical aspects and practices of psychological support in difficult situations that arise during childbirth (loss of pregnancy, infertility, birth of a child with special needs).
Recommended or required reading and other learning resources/tools
1. Bulatevych N.M. (2015) Orhanizatsiia diialnosti psykholohichnoi sluzhby. Sumy: SumDPu. 2. Bulatevych N.M. (2015) Psykholohichni aspekty suprovodu batkivstva. Naukovyi visnyk Chernivetskoho un-tu. Seriia «Pedahohika ta psykholohiia». №743. S.15-19. 3. Vlasova O.I., Bulatevych N.M. & Lunov V.Y. (red.) (2020) Psykhodiahnostyka rozvytku osobystosti v umovakh simeinoi sotsializatsii : naukovo-metodychnyi posibnyk . Ontario: Accent Graphics Communication & Publishing. 4. Yablonska T. M. (2013) Rozvytok identychnosti dytyny v systemi simeinykh vzaiemyn: monohrafiia. Sumy: SumDPU. 5. Bornstein M.H.& Mahwah (ed.) (2002) Handbook of parenting. V.3. Being and becoming a parent. New Jersey, London: Lawrence Erlbaum associates. 6. Evertz K., Janus L. & Linder R. (ed.) (2020) Handbook of Prenatal and Perinatal Psychology: Integrating Research and Practice. Springer International Publishing, 2020.
Planned learning activities and teaching methods
The course covers topics: 1. Prenatal psychology and psychology of parenting as a branch of science and psychological practice 2 Parenting as a systemic phenomenon 3. Parenthood as a biological and culture phenomenon 4. Ontogenesis of parenthood. 5. Psychology of pregnancy and mothering. 6. Psychological aspects of fatherhood. 7. Development of the psyche in the prenatal period 8. Psychological aspects of childbirth and postpartum period. 9. Directions and technologies of psychological support of the family in the postpartum period Teaching methods: lectures, seminars, discussions, case studies, work in mini-groups, work on projects
Assessment methods and criteria
Assessment methods: recitations, preparation of an abstract with an analytical report, creative independent work, exam. Form of final control - exam. Organization of evaluation: Evaluation is carried out throughout the semester and during the exam. The maximum number of points for work during the semester is 60. The maximum number of points that can be obtained by a student for the exam is 40 points. The form of exam is writing. Types of tasks – open questions and creative tasks. The minimum threshold level of the exam grade, at which the exam is considered passed, cannot be less than 24 points. Conditions for admission to the exam. A student is not admitted to the exam if he/she scored less than 36 points during the semester. Rating scale: 90-100 – Excellent 75-89 - Good 60-74 - Satisfactory 0-59 - Fail
Language of instruction


This discipline is taught by the following teachers

Natalia Mykolaivna Bulatevych
Department of Developmental Psychology
Faculty of Psychology


The following departments are involved in teaching the above discipline

Department of Developmental Psychology
Faculty of Psychology