Economic History

Course: Economics and Economic Policy

Structural unit: Faculty of Economics

Economic History
ОК 1.25
Module type
Обов’язкова дисципліна для ОП
Educational cycle
Year of study when the component is delivered
Semester/trimester when the component is delivered
1 Semester
Number of ECTS credits allocated
Learning outcomes
PLO 6. To use professional arguments to transmit information, ideas, problems and ways of their solving to professionals and non-professionals in the field of economic activity. PLO 7. To explain the models of socio-economic phenomena from the point of view of fundamental principles and knowledge on the basis of understanding the basic directions of the development of economics and economic policy. PLO 9. To realize the main features of the modern world and national economy, the institutional structure, directions of social, economic and foreign economic policy of the state. PLO 12. To apply the acquired theoretical knowledge to solve practical problems in the field of economics and economic policy and interpret the obtained results in a meaningful way.
Form of study
Prerequisites and co-requisites
Course content
The course "Economic History" studies the economic activity of the leading nations of the world beginning from ancient times till now. In addition, consistent patterns of the dynamics of economic mechanism changes are examined in conjunction with non-economic factors in the course (religious traditions, technical, technological, political, legal, geographical and other factors).The program of the course includes two sections. Section 1 «History of Economics from Ancient Times to the Formation of Industrial Society» (topics 1-5): the study of general issues of methodology of historical and economic research, periodization of economic history, genesis of types and forms of management of leading countries in the pre-industrial era. Section 2 «Modern History of Leading National Economies» (topics 6-9)
Recommended or required reading and other learning resources/tools
1. Економічна історія: Навчально-методичний комплекс для студентів спеціальності «051 Економіка», освітньої програми «Економіка та економічна політика», освітнього рівня «Бакалавр» / Упорядник Назаров І.В. Київ: ТОВ «НВП «Інтерсервіс»», 2018. 52 с. 2. Історія економіки та економічної думки: підручник. / В.Д. Базилевич, Н.І. Гражевська, Т.В. Гайдай, А.О. Маслов, І.В. Назаров, О.П. Нестеренко; за ред. В.Д. Базилевича. Київ: Знання, 2018. 775 с. (Класичний університетський підручник). 3. Лановик Б.Д., Матисякевич З.М., Матейко Р.М. Економічна історія світу і України: підручник для вищих навчальних закладів. Київ: Вікар, 2006. 495 с.
Planned learning activities and teaching methods
Lectures, seminars, module tests, individual work
Assessment methods and criteria
Semester assessment 60 points maximum / 36 points minimum: 1. Participation in seminars (speeches, abstracts, theoretical discussions) of the module 1 - Max. 10 points / Min. 6 points 2. Tests on the module 1 - Max. 10 points / Min. 6 points 3. Participation in seminars (speeches, abstracts, theoretical discussions) of the module 2 - Max. 10 points / Min. 6 points 4. Tests on the module 2 - Max. 10 points / Min. 6 points 5. Individual work - Max. 20 points / Min. 12 points Final assessment (in the form of an exam): 40 points maximum / 24 points minimum
Language of instruction


This discipline is taught by the following teachers

Illia Vladislavovich Nazarov
Department of Economic Theory, Macro- and Microeconomics
Faculty of Economics


The following departments are involved in teaching the above discipline

Department of Economic Theory, Macro- and Microeconomics
Faculty of Economics