Globalization and Economic Policy

Course: Economics and Economic Policy

Structural unit: Faculty of Economics

Globalization and Economic Policy
ОК 1.7
Module type
Обов’язкова дисципліна для ОП
Educational cycle
Year of study when the component is delivered
Semester/trimester when the component is delivered
2 Semester
Number of ECTS credits allocated
Learning outcomes
PLO 1. Formulate, analyze and synthesize solutions for scientific and practical problems. PLO 2. Develop, substantiate and make effective decisions on the development of socio-economic systems and management of economic entities. PLO 4. Develop socio-economic projects and a system of all-inclusive actions for their implementation, taking into account the goals, expected socio-economic outcomes, risks, legislative, resource, and other constraints. PLO 7. Select effective methods for managing economic activity, ground proposed solutions based on relevant data and scientific and applied research. PLO 9. Make effective decisions under conditions of uncertainty and challenges that require the use of new approaches, methods, and tools of socio-economic, political and economic research. PLO 11. Identify and critically assess the state of socio-economic development and its trends, create and analyze models of economic systems and processes.
Form of study
Full-time form
Prerequisites and co-requisites
Successful mastering of disciplines "Economic Theory and Economic Policy", "Modern Economic Systems", "International Economics", "Macroeconomics"
Course content
The essence, main factors and contradictions of economic globalization (nature and leading attractors of structuring the world economic system; contradictions and socio-economic consequences of economic globalization; financialization of the global economy; institutional and organizational ordering of the global economy). Economic policy of the state and supranational structures in the context of globalization (transformation of monetary and fiscal policy of the state in the context of globalization; features of the modern global monetary environment; structural levels and instruments of modern international economic policy; strategic priorities of Ukraine's economic policy in the context of globalization).
Recommended or required reading and other learning resources/tools
1. 1. Гражевська Н.І. Економічні системи епохи глобальних змін : монографія. Київ : Знання, 2008. 431 с. 2. Гриценко А.А. Економіко-інформаційний імператив нової статистичної парадигми : монографія. Київ : НАН України, ДУ «Ін-т екон. та прогнозув. НАН України», 2020. 436 с. 3. Глобалізація та економічна політика: Навчально-методичний комплекс для студентів спеціальності 051 – «Економіка», освітньої програми «Економіка та економічна політика» / Упорядники Н.І. Гражевська, А.Д. Залєвська-Шишак, О. О. Демидюк, В.В. Колоша. Київ, 2020. 52 с. 4. Економічна глобалізація: підручник: для студ. вищих навч. закладів / за ред. А. С. Філіпенка. Київ : ВПЦ «Київський університет», 2009. 543 с. 5. Кричевська Т.О. Довіра у грошово-кредитній сфері: логіко-історичне дослідження монографія. Київ: НАН України, ДУ «Ін-т екон. та прогнозув. НАН України», 2020. 504 с. 6. Липов В. В. Глобальна економіка: навчальний посібник: у 2-х частинах. Харків : ХНЕУ ім. С. Кузнеця, 2018.
Planned learning activities and teaching methods
Lecture. Seminar. Independent selfwork. Speeches and participation in discussions at seminars. Testing. Blitz poll. Performing creative tasks Preparation of presentations.
Assessment methods and criteria
Semester assessment: 100 points Max / 60 points Min (work on seminars content part 1) (speeches, additions, participation in discussions and debates, test and creative tasks): RS 1.1-1.3, RS 2.1-2.4, RS 3 - Max 15 points / Min 9 points; test work on the content part 1: RS 1.1-1.3; RS 2.1-2.4 - Max 10 points / Min 6 points; work on seminars on the content part 2 (speeches, additions, participation in discussions and debates , performance of test and creative tasks): RS 1.4-1.6, RS 2.1-2.4, RS 3 - Max 15 points / Min 9 points, control work on the content part 2: RS 1.4-1.6, RS 2.1-2.4, RS 3 - Max 10 points / Min 6 points, independent self-work (presentation of creative individual tasks): RS 2.1-2.4, RS 3, RS 4 - Max 25 points / Min 15 points Final assessment in the form of final test: 25 points Max / 15 points Min. The total number of points in the discipline (100 points Max) is defined as the sum of points for work during the semester and the results of the final test.
Language of instruction


This discipline is taught by the following teachers

Nadiia Hrazhevska
Department of Economic Theory, Macro- and Microeconomics
Faculty of Economics


The following departments are involved in teaching the above discipline

Department of Economic Theory, Macro- and Microeconomics
Faculty of Economics