Methodology and organization of scientific research with the basics of intellectual property

Course: Hydrology and Integrated Water Management

Structural unit: heohrafichnyi fakultet

Methodology and organization of scientific research with the basics of intellectual property
Module type
Обов’язкова дисципліна для ОП
Educational cycle
Year of study when the component is delivered
Semester/trimester when the component is delivered
2 Semester
Number of ECTS credits allocated
Learning outcomes
PR03. To be able to communicate with specialists and experts of various levels in other fields of knowledge, including in an international context, in a global information environment. PR08. To know the basic principles of management of enterprises in the field of nature management, their organization, production and organizational structure of management. PR10. Demonstrate the ability to adapt and act in a new situation related to work in the specialty, the ability to generate new ideas in the field of Earth sciences. PR13. Identify and classify known and register new objects in geospheres, their properties, phenomena and processes inherent in them.
Form of study
Full-time form
Prerequisites and co-requisites
having a bachelor's degree, successfully mastering the disciplines of the 1st semester of master's studies
Course content
The program of the academic discipline consists of the following content modules: 1. General issues of methodology and organization of scientific research. 2. Fundamentals of intellectual property. 3. Organization of scientific research in the field of hydrology and integrated water resources management
Recommended or required reading and other learning resources/tools
1. Aksyutina A. V. Intelektualʹna vlasnistʹ: navch. posibnyk [dlya stud. vyshch. navch. zakl.] / A. V. Aksyutina, O. V. Nestertsova-Sobakarʹ, V. V. Tropin [ta in.]; Za zah. red. O. V. Nestertsovoyi-Sobakarʹ. – Dnipro: Dniprop. derzh. un-t vnutr. sprav, 2017. – 140 s. 2. Afanasʹyev A. Osnovy naukovykh doslidzhenʹ: navch. posibnyk / Kharkivsʹkyy natsionalʹnyy ekonomichnyy un-t. – KH. : KHNEU, 2005. – 96 s. 3. Dakhno I. I. Pravo intelektualʹnoyi vlasnosti: navch. posibnyk, vyd. 2-he / I. I. Dakhno. – K. : TSNL, 2006. – 278 s. 4. Dobronravova I. S. Filosofiya ta metodolohiya nauky. Pidruchnyk dlya universytetiv / I. S. Dobronravova, L. I. Sydorenko. K.: VPTS «Kyyivsʹkyy universytet», 2008. – 223 s. 5. Osnovy metodolohiyi ta orhanizatsiyi naukovykh doslidzhenʹ: navch. posib. dlya studentiv, kursantiv, aspirantiv i adʺyuntiv / za red. A. YE. Konversʹkoho. – K.: Tsentr uchbovoyi literatury, 2010. – 352 s.
Planned learning activities and teaching methods
lectures, consultations during the semester, speech at seminars, defense of completed independent work, assessment
Assessment methods and criteria
current (semester) evaluation (seminars (minimum grade 24, maximum 40; control papers (6-10); independent work (5-10)); final (final) assessment in the form of credit (assessment for knowledge of theory (minimum 12, maximum 20 points); assessment for the practical part (13-20). For students who scored a total of less points than the critical-calculated minimum - 35 points, it is necessary to pass an additionally completed individual complex task for admission to the final control form.
Language of instruction


This discipline is taught by the following teachers

Valentyn Khilchevskyi
Hydrology and hydroecology
heohrafichnyi fakultet
Lidiia Ivan Sydorenko
Department of Philosophy and Methodology of Science
Faculty of Philosophy
Olesya S. Kharchenko
Intellectual Property and Information Law Department
Education and Research Law School